AlpacaHack Round 7 (Web) Writeup
CTFTime event link:
- Starts: 30 Nov. 2024, 03:00 UTC
- Ends: 30 Nov. 2024, 09:00 UTC
AlpacaHack is a new CTF platform for individual competitions. AlpacaHack Round 7 (Web) is the 7th CTF hosted by the AlpacaHack team, featuring 4 Web challenges. The challenges are designed with a wide range of difficulties, making them enjoyable for participants of all levels, including beginners. They are created by Ark and st98.
- Solves: 1/5
- Score: 146
- Global Rank: 38/458
- Overall Difficulty To Me: ★★★★★★☆☆☆☆
What I've learned in this CTF
- Web
- Treasure Hunt - Regular expression bypass via URL encoding
- Alpaca Poll - CRLF injection and exfiltrating Redis key value via