About Me
I'm Tang Cheuk Hei, also known as siunam (小南), a 22-year-old guy from Hong Kong who has a lot of passion and hunger for cybersecurity. Below is my timeline of my ethical hacking journey:
From 2010 to 2021, I'm just a person who plays video games for around 16 hours every day. During that time period, I also self-taught video game level design in CS:GO, 3D modeling, reading programming codes (Not writing codes) and more. In mid-2021, I started to plan my future, like what career path I should take.
In around mid January 2022, I was randomly watching YouTube videos, and suddenly I saw NetworkChuck's video talking about password cracking. By watching his video, it catches my eye balls. I was fascinated in ethical hacking and tried to follow his tutorials to build a virtual environment, installing Kali Linux, cracking passwords with Hashcat. And this is how my ethical hacking journey starts!
Started on 12nd March 2022, I started to learn ethical hacking much deeper, and registered a TryHackMe account and learning all the fundamentals from scratch, and constantly writing CTF writeups, taking part in CTF competitions, and so on.
- Mid January 2022: Started my ethical hacking journey
- 12nd March 2022: Registered TryHackMe account
- 29th March 2022: Played my first CTF competition (NahamCon CTF 2022: Writeup)
- 14th February 2023: Joined CTF team "JHDiscord"
- 11st July 2023: Joined CTF team "ARESx"
- 24th August 2023: Earned OSCP certificate
- 4th June 2024: Started my bug bounty journey
- 13th August 2024: Got my first CVE "CVE-2024-7559" (Writeup)
- 30th September 2024: Officially joined university CTF team "NuttyShell"
- 19th February 2025: Posted my first research: Attempted Research in PHP Class Pollution
- 6th March 2025: Officially joined CTF team "Black Bauhinia"
List of CVEs
- Total number of CVEs: 23
CVEs Table
Note: Only publicly disclosed CVEs are listed in here.
Contact Me
- Email: siunam321atcybersec@gmail.com
- LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/tangecheukhei/
- Discord: siunam321
- Instragram
- GitHub
- Steam
- Youtube