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Attempted Research in PHP Class Pollution

February 19, 2025 | by siunam

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After reading the Ruby class pollution research from Doyensec and re-read the blog post about class pollution in Python, I started to think this research question:

With this in my mind, I started to dig deeper into different programming language about this class pollution. The first one that I picked is PHP, as I'm quite familiar with it. Although I couldn't find a way to perform class pollution in PHP, I did found something that might be interesting.

In essence, I found that PHP class pollution only works in merging on attributes, both non-recursive and recursive. Which means we could replace an object instance's attributes or an associative array key's value with our malicious one.

How Does Developers Do Object Merges In PHP?

Built-in Functions

In PHP, it has some built-in recursive merge functions, such as array_merge, array_merge_recursively, and array_replace_recursive. However, the object must be converted into an associative array using type casting. Also, since those built-in merge functions return data type array, we need to use type casting to convert the returned array into an object instance:

function merge($baseObject, $object) {
    return (object) array_merge((array) $baseObject, (array) $object);

If we try to merge a base object with another object using the above merge function, we can see that it returns a new instance of the stdClass built-in class:

class Foo {
    public $age = 1337;

$foo = new Foo();
echo "[*] Before merging:\n";

$userInputObject = json_decode('{"age": 7331}');
echo "[*] After merging:\n";
$mergedObject = merge($foo, $userInputObject);
└> php merge.php
[*] Before merging:
Foo Object
    [age] => 1337
[*] After merging:
stdClass Object
    [age] => 7331

Sadly, if the original object instance is converted into a stdClass object instance, the original object instance will lose all the methods, which means after type casting, the merged object's methods cannot be called:

class Foo {
    public $age = 1337;

    function hello() {
        echo "world\n";

$foo = new Foo();
echo "[*] Before merging:\n";

$userInputObject = json_decode('{"age": 7331}');
echo "[*] After merging:\n";
$mergedObject = merge($foo, $userInputObject);
└> php merge.php
[*] Before merging:
Foo Object
    [age] => 1337
[*] After merging:
stdClass Object
    [age] => 7331
PHP Fatal error:  Uncaught Error: Call to undefined method stdClass::hello() in /home/siunam/research/class-pollution/php/merge.php:23
Stack trace:
#0 {main}
  thrown in /home/siunam/research/class-pollution/php/merge.php on line 23

According to the stdClass class documentation, this class is a generic empty class, and it's not a base class because PHP doesn't have the concept of "universal base class".

Therefore, to perform class pollution using built-in PHP functions, we need to somehow escape stdClass class context and pollute other classes. Unfortunately, I couldn't find a way to do so, as PHP doesn't have any special attributes that could go to a parent/other classes.

Other Object Merge Methods

The another way to do this merging is from this blog post: Tutorial: How to Recursively Merge Two Objects In PHP, which loops through all the attributes in the source object, and set the original object's attributes with the source object's attributes.

There are some simpler solutions to do the exact same thing, such as the following: (From

function merge($baseObject, $object) {
    foreach($object as $key => $value) {
        $baseObject->$key = $value;
    return $baseObject;

Or, we can use the clone keyword to copy the base object:

function merge($baseObject, $object) {
    $clonedObject = clone $baseObject;
    foreach($object as $key => $value) {
        $clonedObject->$key = $value;
    return $clonedObject;

Overwriting Object's Methods?

Based on the above merging functions, could we overwrite an object's methods? Unfortunately, no. This is because those merging functions can only get the object's attributes, but not methods:

class Foo {
    public $age = 1337;

    function hello() {
        echo "world\n";

$foo = new Foo();
foreach($foo as $key => $value) {
    var_dump($key, $value);
└> php merge.php
string(3) "age"

So, if we try to overwrite a method, PHP will just set a new attribute:

$foo = new Foo();
$foo->hello = "bar";
└> php merge.php
Foo Object
    [age] => 1337
    [hello] => bar

Also, PHP doesn't support overwriting an object's method dynamically.

Merging on Object Attributes/Associative Array Keys

Now, since we can't pollute an object's methods and escape the object context, the only thing that we can do is to pollute the object's attributes.

Before I demonstrate that, I'll first define the merge function and the base object's class:

A simple merge objects function:

function merge($baseObject, $object) {
    foreach($object as $key => $value) {
        $baseObject->$key = $value;
    return $baseObject;

Note: The merge function could be any alternatives in section "Other Object Merge Methods".

Base object's class:

class Foo {
    public $healthCheckCommands = array("ping -c 1");
    public $username = "not_admin";

    // RCE gadget
    function healthCheck() {
        foreach ($this->healthCheckCommands as $command) {

    // Authentication bypass gadget
    function isAdmin() {
        if ($this->username === "admin") {
            echo "[+] Is admin\n";
        } else {
            echo "[-] Is NOT admin\n";

In this class Foo, method healthCheck is an RCE gadget and method isAdmin is an authentication bypass gadget.

With that said, if the attacker can control the merging object's attributes, such as via json_decode, he/she can overwrite the object's attributes to the desired one. For example, the attacker can overwrite public attribute healthCheckCommands array's value with malicious one:

// $userInputJson = '{"healthCheckCommands": ["echo RCE gadget executed!"], "username": "admin"}';
$userInputJson = file_get_contents('php://input');
if (!empty($userInputJson)) {
    $baseObject = new Foo();
    echo "[*] Before merging:\n";
    $userInputObject = json_decode($userInputJson);
    $mergedObject = merge($baseObject, $userInputObject);
    echo "\n[*] After merging:\n";
└> curl -X POST http://localhost:8000/merge.php --data '{"healthCheckCommands": ["echo RCE gadget executed!"], "username": "admin"}'
[*] Before merging:
Foo Object
    [healthCheckCommands] => Array
            [0] => ping -c 1

    [username] => not_admin
PING ( 56(84) bytes of data.
64 bytes from icmp_seq=1 ttl=64 time=0.031 ms

--- ping statistics ---
1 packets transmitted, 1 received, 0% packet loss, time 0ms
rtt min/avg/max/mdev = 0.031/0.031/0.031/0.000 ms
[-] Is NOT admin

[*] After merging:
Foo Object
    [healthCheckCommands] => Array
            [0] => echo RCE gadget executed!

    [username] => admin
RCE gadget executed!
[+] Is admin

But wait, how about those built-in array merging functions?

For using built-in merging functions and type casting, since the (object) type casting will return an object instance of class stdClass, we cannot pollute the base object's attributes. However, if we don't use type casting, we can still pollute the array's keys. Here's an example.

Assume the application has this $config associative array:

$config = array(
    "healthCheckCommands" => array(
        "ping -c 1"
    "username" => "not_admin"

With these 2 gadgets:

// RCE gadget
function healthCheck($config) {
    foreach ($config["healthCheckCommands"] as $command) {

// Authentication bypass gadget
function isAdmin($config) {
    if ($config["username"] === "admin") {
        echo "[+] Is admin\n";
    } else {
        echo "[-] Is NOT admin\n";

And the following array merging logic using built-in merge function array_merge:

// $userInputJson = '{"healthCheckCommands": ["echo RCE gadget executed!"], "username": "admin"}';
$userInputJson = file_get_contents('php://input');
if (!empty($userInputJson)) {
    echo "[*] Before merging:\n";
    $userInputObject = json_decode($userInputJson, $associative=true);
    $mergedConfig = array_merge($config, $userInputObject);
    echo "\n[*] After merging:\n";

Note: The parsed JSON data must be converted into an associative array, otherwise array_merge can't merge an array with a stdClass object instance.

The attacker can overwrite the $config associative array key's value:

└> curl -X POST http://localhost:8000/merge.php --data '{"healthCheckCommands": ["echo RCE gadget executed!"], "username": "admin"}'
[*] Before merging:
    [healthCheckCommands] => Array
            [0] => ping -c 1

    [username] => not_admin
PING ( 56(84) bytes of data.
64 bytes from icmp_seq=1 ttl=64 time=0.024 ms

--- ping statistics ---
1 packets transmitted, 1 received, 0% packet loss, time 0ms
rtt min/avg/max/mdev = 0.024/0.024/0.024/0.000 ms
[-] Is NOT admin

[*] After merging:
    [healthCheckCommands] => Array
            [0] => echo RCE gadget executed!

    [username] => admin
RCE gadget executed!
[+] Is admin

Therefore, we can pollute (overwrite) an object's properties or an associative array's keys.


Unfortunately, I couldn't find any real-world cases where the polluted object's properties or associative array's keys is flow to an impactful gadget. As well as there are a lot of gadgets and merging, which makes this process much harder. Luckily, this kind of "object properties pollution" and "associative array keys pollution" could still be useful if they flow to an impactful gadget.

In the future, hopefully we can find a way to escape the object context and pollute other classes and methods, as well as find an exploit that can lead to a full-blown RCE! Moreover, we don't want to research in class pollution in Python, Ruby, and PHP only, we should also research this vulnerability class in other programming languages that support OOP, such as Golang, Perl, and more.