- Overall difficulty for me (From 1-10 stars): ★☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆
It's time to learn some things about binaries and basic c. Connect to a remote server and answer some questions to get the flag.
Find the flag
In the challenge, we can download a file:
└> file Zip archive data, at least v2.0 to extract, compression method=deflate
└> unzip
inflating: test.c
inflating: test
└> file test test.c
test: ELF 64-bit LSB executable, x86-64, version 1 (SYSV), dynamically linked, interpreter /lib64/, BuildID[sha1]=5a83587fbda6ad7b1aeee2d59f027a882bf2a429, for GNU/Linux 3.2.0, not stripped
test.c: C source, ASCII text
Let's nc
to the instance machine!
└> nc 32022
This is a simple questionnaire to get started with the basics.
◉ ◉
◉ When compiling C/C++ source code in Linux, an ELF (Executable and Linkable Format) file is created. ◉
◉ The flags added when compiling can affect the binary in various ways, like the protections. ◉
◉ Another thing affected can be the architecture and the way it's linked. ◉
◉ ◉
◉ If the system in which the challenge is compiled is x86_64 and no flag is specified, ◉
◉ the ELF would be x86-64 / 64-bit. If it's compiled with a flag to indicate the system, ◉
◉ it can be x86 / 32-bit binary. ◉
◉ ◉
◉ To reduce its size and make debugging more difficult, the binary can be stripped or not stripped. ◉
◉ ◉
◉ Dynamic linking: ◉
◉ ◉
◉ A pointer to the linked file is included in the executable, and the file contents are not included ◉
◉ at link time. These files are used when the program is run. ◉
◉ ◉
◉ Static linking: ◉
◉ ◉
◉ The code for all the routines called by your program becomes part of the executable file. ◉
◉ ◉
◉ Stripped: ◉
◉ ◉
◉ The binary does not contain debugging information. ◉
◉ ◉
◉ Not Stripped: ◉
◉ ◉
◉ The binary contains debugging information. ◉
◉ ◉
◉ The most common protections in a binary are: ◉
◉ ◉
◉ Canary: A random value that is generated, put on the stack, and checked before that function is ◉
◉ left again. If the canary value is not correct-has been changed or overwritten, the application will ◉
◉ immediately stop. ◉
◉ ◉
◉ NX: Stands for non-executable segments, meaning we cannot write and execute code on the stack. ◉
◉ ◉
◉ PIE: Stands for Position Independent Executable, which randomizes the base address of the binary ◉
◉ as it tells the loader which virtual address it should use. ◉
◉ ◉
◉ RelRO: Stands for Relocation Read-Only. The headers of the binary are marked as read-only. ◉
◉ ◉
◉ Run the 'file' command in the terminal and 'checksec' inside the debugger. ◉
◉ ◉
◉ The output of 'file' command: ◉
◉ ◉
◉ ✗ file test ◉
◉ test: ELF 64-bit LSB executable, x86-64, version 1 (SYSV), dynamically linked, ◉
◉ interpreter /lib64/, BuildID[sha1]=5a83587fbda6ad7b1aeee2d59f027a882bf2a429, ◉
◉ for GNU/Linux 3.2.0, not stripped. ◉
◉ ◉
◉ The output of 'checksec' command: ◉
◉ ◉
◉ gef➤ checksec ◉
◉ Canary : ✘ ◉
◉ NX : ✓ ◉
◉ PIE : ✘ ◉
◉ Fortify : ✘ ◉
◉ RelRO : Partial ◉
◉ ◉
[*] Question number 0x1:
Is this a '32-bit' or '64-bit' ELF? (e.g. 1337-bit)
We've found that it's a 64-bit ELF executable in file
>> 64-bit
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♠ Correct ♠
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[*] Question number 0x2:
What's the linking of the binary? (e.g. static, dynamic)
It's dynamically linked:
└> file test
test: ELF 64-bit LSB executable, x86-64, version 1 (SYSV), dynamically linked, interpreter /lib64/, BuildID[sha1]=5a83587fbda6ad7b1aeee2d59f027a882bf2a429, for GNU/Linux 3.2.0, not stripped
>> dynamic
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♠ Correct ♠
♠ ♠
♠ ♠ ♠ ♠ ♠ ♠ ♠ ♠ ♠ ♠ ♠
[*] Question number 0x3:
Is the binary 'stripped' or 'not stripped'?
not stripped.
>> not stripped
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♠ Correct ♠
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[*] Question number 0x4:
Which protections are enabled (Canary, NX, PIE, Fortify)?
In here, we can use pwntool's checksec
to check memory protections:
└> checksec test
[!] Could not populate PLT: invalid syntax (, line 110)
[*] '/home/siunam/ctf/Cyber-Apocalypse-2023/Pwn/Questionnaire/test'
Arch: amd64-64-little
Stack: No canary found
NX: NX enabled
PIE: No PIE (0x400000)
As you can see, NX
is enabled.
>> NX
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♠ Correct ♠
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◉ ◉
◉ Great job so far! Now it's time to see some C code and a binary file. ◉
◉ ◉
◉ In the there are two files: ◉
◉ ◉
◉ 1. test.c ◉
◉ 2. test ◉
◉ ◉
◉ The 'test.c' is the source code and 'test' is the output binary. ◉
◉ ◉
◉ Let's start by analyzing the code. ◉
◉ First of all, let's focus on the '#include <stdio.h>' line. ◉
◉ It includes the 'stdio.h' header file to use some of the standard functions like 'printf()'. ◉
◉ The same principle applies for the '#include <stdlib.h>' line, for other functions like 'system()'. ◉
◉ ◉
◉ Now, let's take a closer look at: ◉
◉ ◉
◉ void main(){ ◉
◉ vuln(); ◉
◉ } ◉
◉ ◉
◉ By default, a binary file starts executing from the 'main()' function. ◉
◉ ◉
◉ In this case, 'main()' only calls another function, 'vuln()'. ◉
◉ The function 'vuln()' has 3 lines. ◉
◉ ◉
◉ void vuln(){ ◉
◉ char buffer[0x20] = {0}; ◉
◉ fprintf(stdout, "\nEnter payload here: "); ◉
◉ fgets(buffer, 0x100, stdin); ◉
◉ } ◉
◉ ◉
◉ The first line declares a 0x20-byte buffer of characters and fills it with zeros. ◉
◉ The second line calls 'fprintf()' to print a message to stdout. ◉
◉ Finally, the third line calls 'fgets()' to read 0x100 bytes from stdin and store them to the ◉
◉ aformentioned buffer. ◉
◉ ◉
◉ Then, there is a custom 'gg()' function which calls the standard 'system()' function to print the ◉
◉ flag. This function is never called by default. ◉
◉ ◉
◉ void gg(){ ◉
◉ system("cat flag.txt"); ◉
◉ } ◉
◉ ◉
◉ Run the 'man <function_name>' command to see the manual page of a standard function (e.g. man fgets).◉
◉ ◉
[*] Question number 0x5:
What is the name of the custom function that gets called inside `main()`? (e.g. vulnerable_function())
void main(){
So it's vuln()
>> vuln()
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[*] Question number 0x6:
What is the size of the 'buffer' (in hex or decimal)?
In the vuln()
function, we see:
char buffer[0x20] = {0};
So it's 0x20
bytes buffer, which is 32 in decimal.
>> 0x20
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♠ Correct ♠
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[*] Question number 0x7:
Which custom function is never called? (e.g. vuln())
void gg(){
system("cat flag.txt");
This gg()
function is never called.
>> gg()
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♠ Correct ♠
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◉ ◉
◉ Excellent! Now it's time to talk about Buffer Overflows. ◉
◉ ◉
◉ Buffer Overflow means there is a buffer of characters, integers or any other type of variables, ◉
◉ and someone inserts into this buffer more bytes than it can store. ◉
◉ ◉
◉ If the user inserts more bytes than the buffer's size, they will be stored somewhere in the memory ◉
◉ after the address of the buffer, overwriting important addresses for the flow of the program. ◉
◉ This, in most cases, will make the program crash. ◉
◉ ◉
◉ When a function is called, the program knows where to return because of the 'return address'. If the ◉
◉ player overwrites this address, they can redirect the flow of the program wherever they want. ◉
◉ To print a function's address, run 'p <function_name>' inside 'gdb'. (e.g. p main) ◉
◉ ◉
◉ gef➤ p gg ◉
◉ $1 = {<text variable, no debug info>} 0x401176 <gg> ◉
◉ ◉
◉ To perform a Buffer Overflow in the simplest way, we take these things into consideration. ◉
◉ ◉
◉ 1. Canary is disabled so it won't quit after the canary address is overwritten. ◉
◉ 2. PIE is disabled so the addresses of the binary functions are not randomized and the user knows ◉
◉ where to return after overwritting the return address. ◉
◉ 3. There is a buffer with N size. ◉
◉ 4. There is a function that reads to this buffer more than N bytes. ◉
◉ ◉
◉ Run printf 'A%.0s' {1..30} | ./test to enter 30*"A" into the program. ◉
◉ ◉
◉ Run the program manually with "./test" and insert 30*A, then 39, then 40 and see what happens. ◉
◉ ◉
[*] Question number 0x8:
What is the name of the standard function that could trigger a Buffer Overflow? (e.g. fprintf())
In the vuln()
function, we see:
void vuln(){
char buffer[0x20] = {0};
fprintf(stdout, "\nEnter payload here: ");
fgets(buffer, 0x100, stdin);
So it's fgets()
>> fgets()
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♠ Correct ♠
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[*] Question number 0x9:
Insert 30, then 39, then 40 'A's in the program and see the output.
After how many bytes a Segmentation Fault occurs (in hex or decimal)?
└> python3 -c "print('A' * 30)" | ./test
Enter payload here:
└> python3 -c "print('A' * 39)" | ./test
Enter payload here:
Enter payload here:
└> python3 -c "print('A' * 40)" | ./test
[1] 57887 done python3 -c "print('A' * 40)" |
57888 segmentation fault ./test
40 bytes.
>> 40
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[*] Question number 0xa:
What is the address of 'gg()' in hex? (e.g. 0x401337)
In here, we can use gdb
to view the address of gg()
└> gdb test
gef➤ p gg
$1 = {<text variable, no debug info>} 0x401176 <gg>
Note: I'm using
gdb plugin.
So function gg()
is in memory address: 0x401176
>> 0x401176
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♠ Correct ♠
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Great job! It's high time you solved your first challenge! Here is the flag!
- Flag:
What we've learned:
- Basic Binary Exploitation Concept