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Excellent Vista!

Table of Contents

  1. Overview
  2. Background
  3. Find The Flag
  4. Conclusion



What a nice spot to stop,lookout and watch time go by, EXAMINE the image and discover where this was taken.

NOTE: Flag is case-insensitive and requires placing inside DUCTF{} wrapper! e.g DUCTF{Osint_Lookout}

Author: Yo_Yo_Bro

Find The Flag

In this challenge, we can download a file:

└> file ExcellentVista.jpg                                    
ExcellentVista.jpg: JPEG image data, Exif standard: [TIFF image data, big-endian, direntries=7, xresolution=2158, yresolution=2166, resolutionunit=2, GPS-Data], baseline, precision 8, 4032x3024, components 3

In an image file, it's important that extracting the metadata of the file, as it might leaked some sensitive information, like GPS position:

└> exiftool ExcellentVista.jpg         
GPS Version ID                  :
GPS Latitude Ref                : South
GPS Longitude Ref               : East
GPS Altitude Ref                : Above Sea Level
GPS Speed Ref                   : km/h
GPS Speed                       : 0
GPS Img Direction Ref           : True North
GPS Img Direction               : 122.5013812
GPS Dest Bearing Ref            : True North
GPS Dest Bearing                : 122.5013812
GPS Horizontal Positioning Error: 6.055886243 m
GPS Altitude                    : 70.5 m Above Sea Level
GPS Latitude                    : 29 deg 30' 34.33" S
GPS Longitude                   : 153 deg 21' 34.46" E
GPS Position                    : 29 deg 30' 34.33" S, 153 deg 21' 34.46" E

Nice! We found the GPS position where the image was taken!

Let's convert that into Google Map format via ChatGPT:

Then query with that GPS position in Google Map:

Found it!


What we've learned:

  1. Extracting image's metadata via exiftool