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In this challenge, we can spawn a docker instance:

Find the flag

Home page:

We can press Ctrl + U to view the source page:

<script src="js/app.js"></script>

The app.js looks interesting:

function senddata() {
	var search = $("#search").val();
	var replace = $("#replace").val();
	var content = $("#content").val();

	if(search == "" || replace == "" || content == "") {
		$("#output").text("No input given!");
		url: "ajax.php",
		data: {
		method: 'post'
	}).success(function(data) {
	}).fail(function(data) {
		$("#output").text("Oops, something went wrong...\n"+data)
	return false;

This JavaScript shows us how the parameters being parsed.

It's sending a POST request to ajax.php, and 3 POST parameters: search, replace, content.

Also, we can capture the POST request via developer tool:

Hmm… X-Powered-By: PHP/5.5.9-1ubuntu4.29. I don't see any vulnerabilies in this PHP version.

Anyways, when I try to test Local File Inclusion (LFI) vulnerability, something interesting:

Blacklisted keywords!?

Looks like it's blacklisted the pass word.

Then, I was stuck at here for a long time, until I found this Medium blog:

Let's try this payload!

Oh!! It's vulnerable to remote code execution!

Let's execute commands!

Gosh! I hate filtering lul. Looks it's filtering system, shell_exec, exec.

However, blacklisting always doesn't covered enough evil words! Like the double backticks ``.

Let's cat the flag!


What we've learned:

  1. Remote Code Execution in PHP preg_replace()