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Author: aplet123

I'm something of a cheese connoisseur myself. If you can guess my favorite flavor of string cheese, I'll even give you a flag. Of course, since I'm lazy and socially inept, I slapped together a program to do the verification for me.

Connect to my service at nc 31131

Note: The attached binary is the exact same as the one executing on the remote server.

Find the flag

In this challenge, we can download a file:

└> file string_cheese 
string_cheese: ELF 64-bit LSB pie executable, x86-64, version 1 (SYSV), dynamically linked, interpreter /lib64/, BuildID[sha1]=85f5294fa950449028c1ef7655304e4e873172d2, for GNU/Linux 3.2.0, not stripped
└> chmod +x string_cheese

It's a 64-bit ELF executable, and it's not stripped.

Let's try to run it:

└> ./string_cheese             
What's my favorite flavor of string cheese? idk
Hmm... I don't think that's quite it. Better luck next time!

So, we need to provide the correct favorite flavor of string cheese.

Now, let's use strings to list out all the strings inside that binary:

└> strings string_cheese 
Cannot read flag.txt.
What's my favorite flavor of string cheese? 
blueberry did you know? That isn't even a real flavor...
Well I guess I should give you the flag now...
Hmm... I don't think that's quite it. Better luck next time!

Found it!

Or, you can use ltrace to display calls that are made to shared libraries:

└> ltrace ./string_cheese
printf("What's my favorite flavor of str"...)                    = 44
fflush(0x7f4fcbc7b760What's my favorite flavor of string cheese? )                                           = 0
"test\n", 256, 0x7f4fcbc7aa80)                             = 0x7ffc4d00c500
strcspn("test\n", "\n")                                          = 4
strcmp("test", "blueberry")                                      = 18
puts("Hmm... I don't think that's quit"...Hmm... I don't think that's quite it. Better luck next time!
)                      = 61
+++ exited (status 0) +++

Finally, nc to the challenge port, and read the flag:

└> nc 31131
What's my favorite flavor of string cheese? blueberry did you know? That isn't even a real flavor...
Well I guess I should give you the flag now...


What we've learned:

  1. Using strings & ltrace To Extract Hidden String