NahamCon CTF 2024 Writeup
CTFTime event link:
- Web
- Sponsorship
- Starts: 23 May 2024, 20:00 UTC
- Ends: 25 May 2024, 20:00 UTC
NahamCon CTF returns for its FIFTH year! From the developers of VirSecCon, H@cktivityCon, BsidesBOS, GRIMMCon CTF, and NahamCon years past… join the mission and join NahamCon CTF 2024!
- Warmups
- Web
- Binary Exploitation
- Reverse Engineering
- Cryptography
- Forensics
- Mobile
- Malware
- Miscellaneous
- Scripting
- Challenge Group
- Sponsorship
- Machine Learning
- Team: ARESx
- Team Solves: 56/64
- Individual Solves: 5/64
- Score: 16183
- Global Rank: 10/3859
- Overall Difficulty To Me: ★★★★☆☆☆☆☆☆
What I’ve learned in this CTF
- Web
- Hacker Web Store (SQL injection)
- Thomas DEVerson (Forge Flask session cookie)
- Sponsorship
- WP Elevator (WordPress plugin source code audit)