Patchstack Alliance CTF S02E01 Writeup
- Starts: 20 Feb. 2025, 08:00 UTC
- Ends: 22 Feb. 2025, 08:00 UTC
Welcome to WordCamp Asia Patchstack Alliance Capture the Flag event. Challenges will be released in 3 batches on 20,21,22 Feb at 8am UTC. Competition will run for 3 full days. They won’t be easy, but we’re confident that you’ll handle them.
We’re counting on you.
- Solves: 6/10
- Score: 3899
- Rank: 4/24
- Overall Difficulty To Me: ★★★★★☆☆☆☆☆
What I've learned in this CTF
- A Nice Block - Local File Inclusion (LFI)
- Patchstack Scheduler Pro - IDOR to read arbitrary posts and decrypt AES CBC mode encrypted data using 16 characters partial key
- Sup3rcustomiz3r - Privilege escalation via arbitrary option update
- Cool Templates - Dynamic function call filter bypass via upper-case characters
- Blocked - Parser differential between the PHP and MySQL's weird behavior and PHP
bypass via PHP filter chain - Sneaky - Arbitrary file write via PHP filter chain
- Up To You - Read arbitrary posts via chaining with arbitrary option update and IDOR