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Patchstack Alliance CTF S02E01 Writeup


  1. A Nice Block
  2. Patchstack Scheduler Pro
  3. Sup3rcustomiz3r
  4. Cool Templates
  5. Blocked
  6. Sneaky
  7. Up To You


Welcome to WordCamp Asia Patchstack Alliance Capture the Flag event. Challenges will be released in 3 batches on 20,21,22 Feb at 8am UTC. Competition will run for 3 full days. They won’t be easy, but we’re confident that you’ll handle them.

We’re counting on you.


What I've learned in this CTF

  1. A Nice Block - Local File Inclusion (LFI)
  2. Patchstack Scheduler Pro - IDOR to read arbitrary posts and decrypt AES CBC mode encrypted data using 16 characters partial key
  3. Sup3rcustomiz3r - Privilege escalation via arbitrary option update
  4. Cool Templates - Dynamic function call filter bypass via upper-case characters
  5. Blocked - Parser differential between the PHP and MySQL's weird behavior and PHP exit() bypass via PHP filter chain
  6. Sneaky - Arbitrary file write via PHP filter chain
  7. Up To You - Read arbitrary posts via chaining with arbitrary option update and IDOR