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Beat me!

Table of Contents

  1. Overview
  2. Background
  3. Enumeration
  4. Exploitation
  5. Conclusion



Author: Eteck#3426

A pro player challenge you to a new game. He spent a huge amount of time on it, and did an extremely good score.

Your goal is to beat him.. by any way

If the game doesn't start, try an other nagivator


Home page:

In here, we can type our name to play a spaceshooter client-side game.

After the game has ended, it'll send a POST request to /scores, with JSON data:

Since the challenge has a tag called "client-side game", I wonder if we can control the signature key's value.

Now, let's try to modify it:

Nope. So the back-end must checking the signature is correct or not.

That being said, let's try to read the source code of the game:

Oh boi… It's obfuscated

Umm… Let's search for signature:

Found it!

Then, I set some breakpoint in the for loop, and trigger the breakpoint by ending the game:

Hmm?? 00bfuScat3d_K3y?

What this for loop does is to hash something? with the 00bfuScat3d_K3y salt. The _0x8a3192's output is the correct signature.

However, I tried to copy and paste that for loop statement to generate the same signature, but no dice…

Also, there is a big long list of array:

In that array, we can see there is a method called setScore():

Again, I tried to find where does this method is being called, no luck.


At this point, I'm trying to control the score, so that the hashing for loop statement will generate the correct signature.

Now, we can set a breakpoint when the hashing statement's function is invoked:

Then, gain some points and end the game:

As expected, we hit the breakpoint.

Next, I noticed that the _0x359a29 variable's value is 2, which is the current game state's score.

Hmm… Can I access that variable in the "Console" tab during the breakpoint??

Wait, I can? I never seen this before!!

That being said, we can modify _0x359a29's value in the "Console" tab!!

Since the challenge's description says "Your goal is to beat him.. by any way". Let's update the score to 1337421:

As you can see, it's updated!

Let's click the "Resume" button to finish the breakpoint:

Then, in the Burp Suite HTTP history, we should see a response with "Invalid signature":

Finally, send that request to Repeater, and change the score key's value to 1337421:

Boom!! We successfully beat the pro player, and got the flag!


What we've learned:

  1. Deobfuscating JavaScript Code & Exploiting Client-Side Game