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What is SHA1 checksum of image file blk0_mmcblk0.bin ?



Find the flag

In this challenge, we can download a file:

└> file blk0_mmcblk0.7z            
blk0_mmcblk0.7z: 7-zip archive data, version 0.4

It's a 7zip file, let's unzip it:

└> 7z e blk0_mmcblk0.7z
└> file blk0_mmcblk0.bin; ls -lah blk0_mmcblk0.bin 
blk0_mmcblk0.bin: DOS/MBR boot sector; partition 1 : ID=0xee, start-CHS (0x0,0,0), end-CHS (0x0,0,0), startsector 1, 15269887 sectors, extended partition table (last)
-rw-r--r-- 1 siunam nam 7.3G Jan 15 07:21 blk0_mmcblk0.bin

Then, we can use sha1sum to get it's SHA1 checksum value:

└> sha1sum blk0_mmcblk0.bin 
5377521a476be72837053390b24bc167d8f9182c  blk0_mmcblk0.bin

What is the name of the largest partition?

In here, we can use a forensic tool called "AccessData FTK", which is a tool to view disk images:

As you can see, the userdata partition is the largest one.

What is the brand (vendor) of phone?

After digging around in AccessData FTK, I found this directory:

Found the vendor!

What is the model of phone?

After some digging, I found that in the userdata partition, there's a WPA wireless config file, which has the phone's model:

What was the Bluetooth MAC Address of the device?

In the efs partition, we can find the Bluetooth MAC address:


What we've learned:

  1. SHA1 Checksum
  2. Viewing Phone Disk Image