In this challenge, pretty much just like one of the challenge in NahamCon CTF 2022! Breaking out of the shell!
First, as usual, netcat into the docker instance. Then we can see there are 4 components. Let's choose one of them.
Next, there are 7 actions we can choose!
1. Create artifact (Create a file)
2. List directory (pwd; ls -la)
3. Read artifact (cat ./<name>)
4. Compress artifact (zip <name>.zip <name> <options>)
5. Change directory (cd <dirname>)
6. Clean directory (rm -rf ./*)
7. Exit
Let's create a file then.
After the process of overthinking, I found maybe we can do something peculiar to this machine via zip! As it can parse an argument!
Hmm… According to GTFOBins, we can break out the shell via -T -TT 'sh #'
! Let's try this!
Yes!!! It works! Let's find and cat the flag!