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Welcome to my another writeup! In this Offensive Security’s Proving Grounds Play HAWordy machine, there are tons of stuff that’s worth learning! Without further ado, let’s dive in.


A beginner machine with multiple paths. Only local.txt and proof.txt are valid flags.

Service Enumeration

As usual, scan the machine for open ports via rustscan!

Rustscan Result:

According to rustscan result, we have one port is opened:

Ports Open Service
80 Apache httpd 2.4.29

HTTP on Port 80

Always brute force hidden directory in a web server via gobuster!

Gobuster Result:

Found /wordpress directory.

WordPress Enumeration:

WPScan Result:

Found 7 plugins, most of them are vulnerable.

Found 2 users: admin and aarti.

In the Reflex Gallery plugin, it suffers an Arbitrary File Upload vulnerability.

Initial Foothold


# Exploit :

<form method="POST" action="" enctype="multipart/form-data" >
    <input type="file" name="qqfile"><br>
    <input type="submit" name="Submit" value="Pwn!">

# Shell Path :

We can create an index.html file which contain the above HTML code, host it and upload a PHP reverse shell. Or, we can simply use curl to achieve this:

  1. Copy PHP reverse shell from pentestmonkey, and modify the $ip and $port variable:

  1. Send a POST request to that vulnerable plugin via curl:

  1. Setup a nc listener and trigger the PHP reverse shell:

And we’re www-data!


Privilege Escalation

www-data to root

By doing enumeration manually, we can see 2 SUID sticky bit stands out:

/usr/bin/wget and /bin/cp has SUID sticky bit, which is not common and can be abused to escalate our privilege.

  1. Transfer the /etc/passwd file:

  1. Add a new user with root privilege:

  1. Transfer the file and override the original /etc/passwd via cp: (It’s a good hibit to backup the original file.)

  1. Switch User to the newly created user:

And I’m root! :D




What we’ve learned:

  1. Directory Enumeration
  2. WordPress Enumeration (wpscan)
  3. Exploiting WordPress Plugins
  4. Privilege Escalation via SUID Sticky Bit (wget, cp)