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Come play with Loly. Loly is nice.

Service Enumeration

As usual, scan the machine for open ports via rustscan!

Rustscan Result:

According to rustscan result, we have one port is opened:

Ports Open Service
80 nginx 1.10.3

HTTP on Port 80

Always brute force hidden directory in a web server via gobuster!

Gobuster Result:

Found /wordpress directory.

WordPress Enumeration:

Add domain to /etc/hosts:


Found user loly.

Brute forcing wp-login.php:

Successfully brute forced loly's password!

Initial Foothold

  1. Login to

  1. Upload a ziped PHP reverse shell via AdRotate plugin:

  1. Setup a nc listener and trigger the PHP reverse shell:

And I'm www-data!


Privilege Escalation

www-data to loly

Found MySQL credential in /var/www/html/wordpress/wp-config.php:

MySQL Enumeration:

Nothing useful in MySQL.

Found user loly in this machine.

Maybe password reuse??

And we're user loly!!

loly to root

Kernel Exploit:

As we can see, the kernel version is quite old, and may suffer some kernel exploits.

The 45010.c exploit seems like is the perfect exploit for this machine! Let's mirror that C exploit.

Since the target machine has gcc installed, I'll transfer the C exploit and compile it from the target machine.

And we're root! :D




What we've learned:

  1. Directory Enumeration
  2. WordPress Enumeration (wpscan)
  3. WordPress User Brute Forcing
  4. Exploiting WordPress Plugin (AdRotate)
  5. Privilege Escalation via Reused Password Which Found in wp-config.php
  6. Privilege Escalation via Kernel Exploit