- Overall difficulty for me (From 1-10 stars): ★☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆
Author: Geoffrey Njogu
Help us test the form by submiting the username as test
and password as test!
The website running here.
Home page:
In here, we see there's a login page!
Let's try test:test
Nope. We need to try test:test!
Now, what I would like to do is fire up Burp Suite, and proxying ALL the HTTP traffics.
Burp Suite HTTP history:
When we click the "test" button, it'll send a POST request to /login
, with parameter username
and password
If we're authenticated, it'll redirect us to /next-page/id=cGljb0NURntwcm94aWVzX2Fs
In this page, it has a JavaScript code:
setTimeout(function () {
// after 2 seconds
window.location = "/next-page/id=bF90aGVfd2F5X2UzMWJiNzZkfQ==";
}, 0.5)
After 2 seconds, it'll set the window
object's location
attribute to /next-page/id=bF90aGVfd2F5X2UzMWJiNzZkfQ==
, which is redirecting us to that page.
Then, it'll redirect us to /home
Hmm… I wonder what are those id
GET parameter's value:
In that string, there's a =
character, which is a base64 encoding's padding string.
Armed with above information, we can base64 decode it:
└> echo 'cGljb0NURntwcm94aWVzX2FsbF90aGVfd2F5X2UzMWJiNzZkfQ==' | base64 -d
Boom! We got the flag!
- Flag:
What we've learned:
- Proxying HTTP Traffics