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Referer-based access control | Dec 14, 2022


Welcome to my another writeup! In this Portswigger Labs lab, you'll learn: Referer-based access control! Without further ado, let's dive in.


This lab controls access to certain admin functionality based on the Referer header. You can familiarize yourself with the admin panel by logging in using the credentials administrator:admin.

To solve the lab, log in using the credentials wiener:peter and exploit the flawed access controls to promote yourself to become an administrator.


Home page:

Let's login as administrator to view the admin panel:

In here, we can see an adminstrator level user can upgrade or downgrade a user's privilege.

Let's try to upgrade a user privilege, and intercept that request via Burp Suite:

When an administrator try to upgrade a user, it'll send a GET request to /admin-roles, with the parameter: username and action (upgrade/downgrade).

Also, it includes a Referer HTTP header!

Armed with above information, we can login as user wiener, and try to escalate our privilege to administrator:

Now, we can try to send a GET request to /admin-roles via Burp Suite's Repeater:

However, we get Unauthorized error.

In the above GET request, we can see that it includes a Referer HTTP header.

What if I change that to /admin? Which is the admin panel location:

Nice! This time we don't have Unauthorized error!

Let's refresh the page and verify we're administrator or not:

We're administrator!!

What we've learned:

  1. Referer-based access control