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Unprotected admin functionality with unpredictable URL | Dec 12, 2022


Welcome to my another writeup! In this Portswigger Labs lab, you'll learn: Unprotected admin functionality with unpredictable URL! Without further ado, let's dive in.


This lab has an unprotected admin panel. It's located at an unpredictable location, but the location is disclosed somewhere in the application.

Solve the lab by accessing the admin panel, and using it to delete the user carlos.


Home page:

In the previous lab, we found an admin panel via robots.txt, let's do the same thing again:

└─# curl
curl: (52) Empty reply from server

Hmm… The file doesn't exist.

Let's view the source page:

<section class="top-links">
   <a href=/>Home</a><p>|</p>
      var isAdmin = false;
      if (isAdmin) {
      var topLinksTag = document.getElementsByClassName("top-links")[0];
      var adminPanelTag = document.createElement('a');
      adminPanelTag.setAttribute('href', '/admin-fnrrou');
      adminPanelTag.innerText = 'Admin panel';
      var pTag = document.createElement('p');
      pTag.innerText = '|';
   <a href="/my-account">My account</a><p>|</p>

We can see something interesting here:

Armed with above information, we can just go there!

Now, we can delete user carlos!!

What we've learned:

  1. Unprotected admin functionality with unpredictable URL