Authentication bypass via encryption oracle | Dec 21, 2022
Welcome to my another writeup! In this Portswigger Labs lab, you'll learn: Authentication bypass via encryption oracle! Without further ado, let's dive in.
- Overall difficulty for me (From 1-10 stars): ★★★★★☆☆☆☆☆
This lab contains a logic flaw that exposes an encryption oracle to users. To solve the lab, exploit this flaw to gain access to the admin panel and delete Carlos.
You can log in to your own account using the following credentials: wiener:peter
Home page:
Login as user wiener
We also see that users can stay logged in:
After logged in, a new cookie called stay-logged-in
has been set.
Hmm… Is there any way to decrypt that cookie value?
After poking around the web site, I found something interesting:
In all posts, users can leave comments.
Let's take a look at the HTML form:
<form action="/post/comment" method="POST" enctype="application/x-www-form-urlencoded">
<input required type="hidden" name="csrf" value="xMBJcQT8l3tlo2jTAMnr78eLKCi1p7tG">
<input required type="hidden" name="postId" value="3">
<textarea required rows="12" cols="300" name="comment"></textarea>
<input required type="text" name="name">
<input required name="email">
<input pattern="(http:|https:).+" type="text" name="website">
<button class="button" type="submit">Post Comment</button>
As you can see, only the website field is not required.
Let's try to leave some comments and intercept the request via Burp Suite's Repeater:
When we send a valid request, it'll redirect user to /post/comment/confirmation
What if I send an invalid email address?
Hmm… It sets a new cookie called notification
with the value ycMDfGd+EeDEELbDeBeS4BVDt1b3I/KCv4J7nKoqQK4=
Also, our invalid email address is reflected, and it's in cleartext!
How about we copy and paste our stay-logged-in
cookie value to notification
? Will it decrypt that for us?
Nice! We successfully decrypted the stay-logged-in
cookie value: wiener:1671605400893
. (Format = username:timestamp)
Now, what if I change the username to administrator
, and then encrypt it again?
Now we got this: ycMDfGd+EeDEELbDeBeS4Er1WSkgQ7spte2Y+njPwnl0IabAFW7NPOIMFq5bBkaWLquEcOGzExJqmfnGAbyLVg==
However, the notification
automatically added Invalid email address:
to the cookie.
How do we get rid of it?
First, let's find how long is that string:
└─# echo -n "Invalid email address: " | wc -m
It's 23 characters long.
Then, we can remove those characters.
To do so, I'll use CyberChef:
Let's copy that encoded output and paste it to the notification
Hmm… The cookie value length must be multiple of 16.
Let's go back to CyberChef and check the length of the decoded output:
So our decoded output length is 41.
Let's add more 9 characters to the encrypted cookie, and then we drop more 9 bytes: (41 - 9 = 32, 16 * 2 = 32)
New fake email address:
New notification cookie: ycMDfGd%2bEeDEELbDeBeS4Mdq3E%2bq7mjgMCKdjP0CVsIV8SyZ8Hkkar6g1sygpS3rK%2fuJO8LuYHhCDctNIeATKQ%3d%3d
In CyberChef, update Drop bytes recipe's length to 32:
Now let's copy and paste that encoded output to our notification
cookie, so that the application will decrypt it for us:
Nice! In here, let's copy and paste the notification
cookie to stay-logged-in
cookie, and delete session
Now refresh the page:
Boom! We see the admin panel, let's access to that!
We now can delete user carlos
We did it!
What we've learned:
- Authentication bypass via encryption oracle