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Reflected XSS with AngularJS sandbox escape and CSP | Jan 1, 2023


Welcome to my another writeup! In this Portswigger Labs lab, you'll learn: Reflected XSS with AngularJS sandbox escape and CSP! Without further ado, let's dive in.


This lab uses CSP and AngularJS.

To solve the lab, perform a cross-site scripting attack that bypasses CSP, escapes the AngularJS sandbox, and alerts document.cookie.


Home page:

In here, we can see there is a search box.

Let's search something:

As you can see, our input is reflected to the web page.

Burp Suite HTTP history:

In here, we also can see the CSP (Content Security Policy) is enabled.

Content-Security-Policy: default-src 'self'; script-src 'self'

In this case, it'll only allow scripts to be loaded from the same origin as the page itself.

Now, let's try to inject some HTML tags:

<input autofocus>

Yep we can.

Next, we need to bypass the AngularJS sandbox and CSP:

<input id=x ng-focus=$event.path|orderBy:'(z=alert)(document.cookie)'>#x

Now, we can go the exploit server, host our payload and deliver to victim:



What we've learned:

  1. Reflected XSS with AngularJS sandbox escape and CSP