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SigHunt | Jan 15, 2023


Welcome to my another writeup! In this TryHackMe SigHunt room, you'll learn: Writing Sigma rules and more! Without further ado, let's dive in.


You are tasked to create detection rules based on a new threat intel.

Difficulty: Medium

This room aims to be a supplementary room for Sigma rule creation. In this scenario, you will act as one of the Detection Engineers that will craft Sigma Rules based on the Indicators of Compromise (IOCs) collected by your Incident Responders.


This room requires basic knowledge of detection engineering and Sigma rule creation. We recommend going through the following rooms before attempting this challenge.

SigHunt Interface

Before we proceed, deploy the attached machine in this task since it may take up to 3-5 minutes to initialize the services.

Then, use this link to access the interface - http://MACHINE_IP

How to use the SigHunt Interface:

Task 2 - Huntme Incident


You are hired as a Detection Engineer for your organization. During your first week, a ransomware incident has just concluded, and the Incident Responders of your organization have successfully mitigated the threat. With their collective effort, the Incident Response (IR) Team provided the IOCs based on their investigation. Your task is to create Sigma rules to improve the detection capabilities of your organization and prevent future incidents similar to this.

Indicators of Compromise

Based on the given incident report, the Incident Responders discovered the following attack chain:

In addition, the Incident Responders provided a table of IOCs at your disposal.

Rule Creation Standards

The Detection Engineering Team follows a standard when creating a Sigma Rule. You may refer to the guidelines below.

Question 1 - What is the Challenge #1 flag?

In here, we can modify the Sigma rule to improve the detection:

title: #Title of your rule
id: #Universally Unique Identifier (UUID) Generate one from
status: #stage of your rule testing 
description: #Details about the detection intensions of the rule.
author: #Who wrote the rule.
date: #When was the rule written.
modified: #When was it updated
  product: windows
  service: sysmon
      - 1
      - 'mshta.exe' #Search identifiers for the detection. Refer to the required fields provided in the task. 
      - 'chrome.exe'
  condition: selection #Action to be taken. Can use condition operators such as OR, AND, NOT, 
fields: #List of associated fields that are important for the detection

falsepositives: #Any possible false positives that could trigger the rule.

level: medium #Severity level of the detection rule.
tags: #Associated TTPs from MITRE ATT&CK
  - attack.credential_access #MITRE Tactic
  - attack.t1110 #MITRE Technique

This Sigma rule will search:

  1. EventID is equal to 1
  2. Image (Binary/executable) name is ends with mshta.exe
  3. The ParentImage (Binary/executable) name is ends with chrome.exe

Now we can run the Sigma rule:

Question 2 - What is the Challenge #2 flag?

Again, create a Sigma rule:

title: #Title of your rule
id: #Universally Unique Identifier (UUID) Generate one from
status: #stage of your rule testing 
description: #Details about the detection intensions of the rule.
author: #Who wrote the rule.
date: #When was the rule written.
modified: #When was it updated
  product: windows
  service: sysmon
      - 1 #Search identifiers for the detection. Refer to the required fields provided in the task. 
      - 'certutil.exe'
      - 'certutil'
      - '-urlcache'
      - '-split'
      - '-f'
  condition: selection #Action to be taken. Can use condition operators such as OR, AND, NOT, 
fields: #List of associated fields that are important for the detection

falsepositives: #Any possible false positives that could trigger the rule.

level: medium #Severity level of the detection rule.
tags: #Associated TTPs from MITRE ATT&CK
  - attack.credential_access #MITRE Tactic
  - attack.t1110 #MITRE Technique

This Sigma rule will search:

  1. EventID is equal to 1
  2. Image (Binary/executable) name is ends with certutil.exe
  3. The executed CommandLine contains certutil and -urlcache and -split and -f

Question 3 - What is the Challenge #3 flag?

title: #Title of your rule
id: #Universally Unique Identifier (UUID) Generate one from
status: #stage of your rule testing 
description: #Details about the detection intensions of the rule.
author: #Who wrote the rule.
date: #When was the rule written.
modified: #When was it updated
  product: windows
  service: sysmon
      - 1 #Search identifiers for the detection. Refer to the required fields provided in the task. 
      - 'nc.exe'
      - ' -e '
      - 'MD5=523613A7B9DFA398CBD5EBD2DD0F4F38'
      - 'SHA256=3E59379F585EBF0BECB6B4E06D0FBBF806DE28A4BB256E837B4555F1B4245571'
      - 'IMPHASH=567531F08180AB3963B70889578118A3'
  condition: selection1 OR selection2 #Action to be taken. Can use condition operators such as OR, AND, NOT, 
fields: #List of associated fields that are important for the detection

falsepositives: #Any possible false positives that could trigger the rule.

level: medium #Severity level of the detection rule.
tags: #Associated TTPs from MITRE ATT&CK
  - attack.credential_access #MITRE Tactic
  - attack.t1110 #MITRE Technique

This Sigma rule will search:

  1. EventID is equal to 1
  2. Image (Binary/executable) name is ends with nc.exe
  3. The executed CommandLine contains -e (It has spaces)


  1. File Hash matches the given MD5, SHA256, and IMPHASH hash value

Question 4 - What is the Challenge #4 flag?

title: #Title of your rule
id: #Universally Unique Identifier (UUID) Generate one from
status: #stage of your rule testing 
description: #Details about the detection intensions of the rule.
author: #Who wrote the rule.
date: #When was the rule written.
modified: #When was it updated
  product: windows
  service: sysmon
      - 1 #Search identifiers for the detection. Refer to the required fields provided in the task. 
      - 'powershell.exe'
      - 'PowerUp'
      - 'Invoke-AllChecks'
  condition: selection #Action to be taken. Can use condition operators such as OR, AND, NOT, 
fields: #List of associated fields that are important for the detection

falsepositives: #Any possible false positives that could trigger the rule.

level: medium #Severity level of the detection rule.
tags: #Associated TTPs from MITRE ATT&CK
  - attack.credential_access #MITRE Tactic
  - attack.t1110 #MITRE Technique

This Sigma rule will search:

  1. EventID is equal to 1
  2. Image (Binary/executable) name is ends with powershell.exe
  3. The executed CommandLine contains PowerUp and Invoke-AllChecks

Question 5 - What is the Challenge #5 flag?

title: #Title of your rule
id: #Universally Unique Identifier (UUID) Generate one from
status: #stage of your rule testing 
description: #Details about the detection intensions of the rule.
author: #Who wrote the rule.
date: #When was the rule written.
modified: #When was it updated
  product: windows
  service: sysmon
      - 1 #Search identifiers for the detection. Refer to the required fields provided in the task. 
      - 'sc.exe'
      - ' config '
      - ' binPath= '
  condition: selection #Action to be taken. Can use condition operators such as OR, AND, NOT, 
fields: #List of associated fields that are important for the detection

falsepositives: #Any possible false positives that could trigger the rule.

level: medium #Severity level of the detection rule.
tags: #Associated TTPs from MITRE ATT&CK
  - attack.credential_access #MITRE Tactic
  - attack.t1110 #MITRE Technique

This Sigma rule will search:

  1. EventID is equal to 1
  2. Image (Binary/executable) name is ends with sc.exe
  3. The executed CommandLine contains config and binPath= (They have spaces)

Question 6 - What is the Challenge #6 flag?

title: #Title of your rule
id: #Universally Unique Identifier (UUID) Generate one from
status: #stage of your rule testing 
description: #Details about the detection intensions of the rule.
author: #Who wrote the rule.
date: #When was the rule written.
modified: #When was it updated
  product: windows
  service: sysmon
      - 1 #Search identifiers for the detection. Refer to the required fields provided in the task. 
      - 'reg.exe'
      - ' add '
      - 'RunOnce'
  condition: selection #Action to be taken. Can use condition operators such as OR, AND, NOT, 
fields: #List of associated fields that are important for the detection

falsepositives: #Any possible false positives that could trigger the rule.

level: medium #Severity level of the detection rule.
tags: #Associated TTPs from MITRE ATT&CK
  - attack.credential_access #MITRE Tactic
  - attack.t1110 #MITRE Technique

This Sigma rule will search:

  1. EventID is equal to 1
  2. Image (Binary/executable) name is ends with reg.exe
  3. The executed CommandLine contains add and RunOnce (it has spaces)

Question 7 -What is the Challenge #7 flag?

title: #Title of your rule
id: #Universally Unique Identifier (UUID) Generate one from
status: #stage of your rule testing 
description: #Details about the detection intensions of the rule.
author: #Who wrote the rule.
date: #When was the rule written.
modified: #When was it updated
  product: windows
  service: sysmon
      - 1 #Search identifiers for the detection. Refer to the required fields provided in the task. 
      - '7z.exe'
      - ' a '
      - ' -p'
  condition: selection #Action to be taken. Can use condition operators such as OR, AND, NOT, 
fields: #List of associated fields that are important for the detection

falsepositives: #Any possible false positives that could trigger the rule.

level: medium #Severity level of the detection rule.
tags: #Associated TTPs from MITRE ATT&CK
  - attack.credential_access #MITRE Tactic
  - attack.t1110 #MITRE Technique

This Sigma rule will search:

  1. EventID is equal to 1
  2. Image (Binary/executable) name is ends with 7z.exe
  3. The executed CommandLine contains a and -p (They have spaces)

Question 8 -What is the Challenge #8 flag?

title: #Title of your rule
id: #Universally Unique Identifier (UUID) Generate one from
status: #stage of your rule testing 
description: #Details about the detection intensions of the rule.
author: #Who wrote the rule.
date: #When was the rule written.
modified: #When was it updated
  product: windows
  service: sysmon
      - 1 #Search identifiers for the detection. Refer to the required fields provided in the task. 
      - 'curl.exe'
      - ' -d '
  condition: selection #Action to be taken. Can use condition operators such as OR, AND, NOT, 
fields: #List of associated fields that are important for the detection

falsepositives: #Any possible false positives that could trigger the rule.

level: medium #Severity level of the detection rule.
tags: #Associated TTPs from MITRE ATT&CK
  - attack.credential_access #MITRE Tactic
  - attack.t1110 #MITRE Technique

This Sigma rule will search:

  1. EventID is equal to 1
  2. Image (Binary/executable) name is ends with curl.exe
  3. The executed CommandLine contains -d (it has spaces)

Question 9 -What is the Challenge #9 flag?

title: #Title of your rule
id: #Universally Unique Identifier (UUID) Generate one from
status: #stage of your rule testing 
description: #Details about the detection intensions of the rule.
author: #Who wrote the rule.
date: #When was the rule written.
modified: #When was it updated
  product: windows
  service: sysmon
      - 11 #Search identifiers for the detection. Refer to the required fields provided in the task. 
      - '*.huntme'
  condition: selection #Action to be taken. Can use condition operators such as OR, AND, NOT, 
fields: #List of associated fields that are important for the detection

falsepositives: #Any possible false positives that could trigger the rule.

level: medium #Severity level of the detection rule.
tags: #Associated TTPs from MITRE ATT&CK
  - attack.credential_access #MITRE Tactic
  - attack.t1110 #MITRE Technique

This Sigma rule will search:

  1. EventID is equal to 11
  2. The TargetFilename contains .huntme


What we've learned:

  1. Writing Sigma Rules To Detect Malicious Activities