zer0pts CTF 2023 Writeup
CTFTime event link: https://ctftime.org/event/1972
- web:
- Starts: 15 July 2023, 03:00 UTC
- Ends: 16 July 2023, 03:00 UTC
Welcome to zer0pts CTF 2023!
zer0pts CTF is a jeopardy-style CTF.
We offer a diverse range of enjoyable challenges across various difficulty levels and categories, all without the need for any guessing skills.
- pwn
- crypto
- reversing
- web
- misc
- Team: ARESx
- Team Solves: 10/27
- Individual Solves: 0/27
- Score: 1116
- Rank: 38/476
- Overall Difficulty To Me: ★★★★★★★★★★
What I've learned in this CTF
- web:
- Exploiting Business Logic Vulnerability (Warmuprofile)