PwnMe Qualifications : "8 bits" Writeups
CTFTime event link:
- Web:
- Tree Viewer
- QRDoor Code (Unsolved)
- Beat me!
- Anozer Blog
- Nestapp (Unsolved)
- Reverse:
- Forensics:
- Starts: 05 May 2023, 23:00 UTC+2
- Ends: 08 May 2023, 02:00 UTC+2
CTF organized by Ecole 2600 students.
48 hours online qualifications (pwn, reverse, crypto, web, forensic, OSINT)
24 hours on-site final on the Ecole 2600 campus.
26,000 € cash prizes.
Back to 8-bit
Année 2600, John D. est un nostalgique. Il s'amuse à jouer sur des jeux vieux de centaines d'années pour découvrir un monde moins connecté. Mais il s'engouffre dans un jeu 8 Bits, sans pouvoir en sortir.
- Web
- Pwn
- Other
- Osint
- Crypto
- Reverse
- Forensics
- Solves: 8/32
- Score: 518
- Rank: 128/501
- Overall Difficulty To Me: ★★★★★★☆☆☆☆
What I've learned in this CTF
- Web:
- Exploiting OS Command Injection & Bypassing Filters (Tree Viewer)
- QRDoor Code (Unsolved)
- Deobfuscating JavaScript Code & Exploiting Client-Side Game (Beat me!)
- Exploiting Class Pollution (Python's Prototype Pollution) & RCE Via SSTI (Anozer Blog)
- Nestapp (Unsolved)
- Reverse:
- Using
To Display Strings In A File & Rotating Rotated String (C Stands For C) - Reversing XOR'ed Strings (Xoxor)
- Using
- Forensics:
- Exporting HTTP Object & Inspecting Debian Package (kNOCk kNOCk)