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SoSimple | Aug 20, 2022


Keep it simple.

Overall difficulty for me: Very easy

Service Enumeration

As usual, scan the machine for open ports via rustscan!

Rustscan Result:

According to rustscan result, we have 2 ports are opened:

Ports Open Service
22 OpenSSH 8.2p1 Ubuntu
80 Apache httpd 2.4.41

HTTP on Port 80

Start with basic web application enumeration: Enumerate hidden directory via gobuster.

Gobuster Result:

Found /wordpress/ directory.

WordPress Enumeration:


Found 2 users: admin and max.

Found 2 plugins:

Searchsploit Result:

Looks like the social-warfare suffers a Remote Code Execution vulnerability!

Initial Foothold

The python exploit contains 2 things:

I think the python exploit feel kinda uncomfortable for me, as I usually exploit RFI manually. Hence I'll do this manually.

  1. Create a PHP webshell in txt format and host it:

  1. Go to[YOUR_IP]/webshell.txt&cmd=[COMMAND_HERE] to trigger the webshell:

  1. Setup a nc listener and make a reverse shell:

Since the target machine has python3 installed, I'll use python3 reverse shell: (From

Stable shell via socat:


Privilege Escalation

www-data to max

Found MySQL credential:

Enumerate MySQL databases:

Found 2 users hashes:

Crack max hash:

But his password didn't reused. :(

I completely missed this Lol.

Nice ASCII art :D

World-readable prviate SSH key:

In the max home directory, there is a private SSH key that is world-readable, which means we can escalate our privilege to max!

Let's copy and paste to our attacker machine and ssh into max with that private SSH key:

max to steven

There are 2 ways that we can escalate our privilege from here. First, I'll show you escalate privilege from max to steven to root.

sudo -l:

User max is able to run /usr/sbin/service as steven, which we can escalate our privilege to steven!

According to GTFOBins, if service binary is allowed to run by sudo, we can spawn a elevated shell!

We can copy and paste that to the target machine:

We're steven!

steven to root

sudo -l:

This time steven is able to run /opt/tools/ as root!

Why there is no tools directory and bash script? Then we'll create that Bash "script"!

  1. Create a directory called tools and Change Directory to it.

  2. Make a malicious Bash script that will add SUID bit set to /bin/bash, and mark the Bash script as executable.

  3. Run /opt/tools/ with sudo, verify SUID bit set in /bin/bash, and spawn a /bin/bash shell with SUID privilege.

And we're root! :D

max to root

Another method to escalate our privilege to root is lxd.

Since max is inside the lxd group, we can build a root privilege container, and add SUID sticky bit in /mnt/root/bin/bash.

Detailed walkthrough can be found on my blog in "CTF Writeups" -> "Proving Groups Play" -> "FunBox" writeup.

  1. Import Alpine image:

  1. Start and configure the lxd storage pool as default:

  1. Run the image, mount the /root into the image, and start the container:

  1. Interact with the container:

  1. Copy /mnt/root/bin/bash to /mnt/root/tmp, and add SUID sticky bit:

  1. Exit the container, and spawn a bash shell with SUID privilege.

We're root! :D




What we've learned:

  1. Directory Enumeration
  2. WordPress Enumeration
  3. Exploiting WordPress Plugin
  4. Remote File Inclusion
  5. Privilege Escalation via World-Readable Private SSH Key
  6. Privilege Escalation via Misconfigured sudo Permission
  7. Privilege Escalation via lxd Group